Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

By the time we got back to forks all the kids where asleep so I said Jacob how much longer is it and Jake said not long Bella we only have u till we get to the reservation and I said yes I know and then Quil said Bella you do realise things have changed around the reservation since you've been gone and I said oh yeah like what and Quil said well for one Jacob is now the alpha and not Sam and second we have 2 new wolves and I said oh yeah what's their names.

Embry said its Brady and Collin and I said oh right ok and then Jacob said as we just turned into the reservation Bella you need to be prepared and I said um why and Sam said because Bella now that your human for the baby again there is a chance your wolf gene could take affect and I shouted but whispered WHAT no it can't not now not while the baby is still in me.

Jacob said as he stopped the car Bella it can't harm the baby you have no reason to worry about that but you should worry about the vampire in you because if you do become wolf the vampire could either disappear or you could become half vampire, half wolf and I said oh joy what fun and then Jacob, Sam, Embry and Quil just laughed as they got out of the car and Jacob opened the back doors to the car.

I said ok can you all take the kids into the house and put them to bed and then Jacob said sure Bella just gave us a kid because there is no way your carrying any and I just moaned and said ok Jacob you take EJ and Sam you take AJ and Embry you take Lily and Quil you take Renesmee and then all the boys took the child I gave them and brought them into the house and put them into my old room into the bed because the 4 of them where still asleep and I didn't want them to wake up so soon and then I just got out of the car and I knew it was too much to do on my own but I didn't care.

I made my way to the house and I must have been going to fast because as I was walking a really sharp pain came into my side and made the way to my stomach and so I just screamed and fell to the ground and as I did I saw my baby brother walk out of the woods and he saw me and ran over to me and bent down beside me and he said Bella is that you and I said through the sharp pains yeah little bro it's me and then Ethan said Bella what's wrong

I said go get Jacob and so Ethan got up off of the ground and ran into the house and then a couple of minutes later he came back out with Jacob and Sam and when they saw me on the ground they ran over to me and Jacob said Bella what's wrong and I said baby and then I felt water go down my legs and I knew it was my water breaking and so I said baby coming.

Jacob said ok Sam I need you to go get Emily or Sue please and Sam said ok Jacob and ran into the woods and as we were waiting I said Ethan go into the house and into my old room and watch over the kids please and Ethan said you have kids and Jacob said yes she does we will explain later just do what Bella said and Ethan said ok Bella and Jacob and he ran into the house and then Jacob said Bella just breathe please.

I said I am Jacob and then I saw Sam and my aunt Sue and my cousin Leah with Sam run out of the woods and over to me and they all bent down beside me and my aunt Sue said nice to see you again Bella and I said you too aunt Sue and then Leah said I missed you bells and I said I missed you too Leah and then I screamed again and Leah took my hand and then I saw Sam go back inside the house and then aunt Sue said as she looked up my dress and at my bottom Bella your going to have to push.

I said as I started pushing ugh here we go again and I pushed and pushed until I finally heard a cry and I saw Sue hold it for me to see and then she said its a boy Bella and I said wow he's lovely and Jacob said yes he is and then I got another terrible pain in my stomach and I screamed out in pain again and I said oh not again and Sue said what do you mean and I said well the last time this happened I found out I was having twins and then Leah looked up my dress at my bottom and she said um mom she's right threw another and Sue then handed the little girl too Jacob and then looked up my bottom and she said ok Bella push.

I said oh for gods sake and pushed over and over until I heard another cry and then I felt Sue lift the baby and she held it so I could see it and she said it's a girl and I said oh my she's beautiful and then Jacob said yes yes and she is adorable looking and right then I knew I was done because there was no more pain so I sat up and I took my baby boy off of Sue and then Jacob gave me my baby girl and Ethan said as he came out of the house what's their names Bella and I said well the girl is Amelie and the boy is Jake Tyler and he will get JT for short and Ethan said ok my Bella they are lovely names.

I said yeah thanks Ethan now where are my kids as I stood up with the help of Leah since I still had my 2 new born babies in my arms and Ethan said they are in your room with Quil and I said thanks Ethan and then he said no problem bells and then I walked into the house with Amelie and JT and up to my old room and once I got there I saw that Renesmee and EJ and Lily and AJ where lying on my bed beside each other and so I walked over to the bed and I lied both Amelie and JT on the bed and I got on too so they would fall off and then we all fell to sleep.

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