Chapter 2

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Bella's pov

It's been 2 months since I came to Italy to see the Volturi and I've been living with them ever since and it has been great they have been helping me get around because I'm so pregnant now and they've been being friendly and everything and I'm loving it they have become like my family and from what Aro can tell I'm due either today or tomorrow and I'm dreading it so much but also loving it too and about 3 weeks ago I was put on bed rest because I am so clumsy and so right now I'm in my room lying on my bed and I am really fed up so I shouted JANE and then a couple of minutes later Jane walked into my room and she said yes Bella.

I said help me to the thrown room please I need to speak to Aro please and she said but Bella Aro has put you on bed rest and I said yes I know that but I don't care Jane take me to Aro please Jane and she said ok Bella but Aro isn't going to be happy about this and I said yeah I know and so Jane came over to my bed and helped me off of the bed and took me to the thrown room.

Once we got to the thrown room Aro said Bella dear what are you doing out of bed and I said as Jane sat me down on a chair beside the window I needed to talk to you all and Caius said ok Bella what's the problem and I said I just wanted to know if when I'm changed if I could go on missions like Jane and Alec do and Marcus said um we don't know if that's best Bella and I said why not and Aro said well for one your baby and two you will be a new born vampire and anytime you see or smell a human you will want their blood.

I said no I won't because I'm not going to feed from humans and Aro said Bella dear yes you will be you and you child will it's how the Volturi live and I said under no circumstances is my kid drinking from humans I will fine but my kid isn't and Marcus said fine Bella but to make sure you keep to your word we need you to do something and I said what is it.

Aro said we need you to drink human blood now and I jumped up off of the chair and I said as I got really mad what no fucking way I'm doing that and Jane said Bella you have to calm down and I said no he's asking me to kill while I'm still human Jane I'm not doing that me and my kid will be criminals for our whole life if we do that and Aro said no you won't Bella because Felix will bring the blod to you and I said and I calmed down really I won't have to kill.

Aro said yes Bella and I said ok I'll do it and Aro said good Felix and he said yes master and then Aro said go get the blood please and Felix said ok master and as he was walking to the door I fell to the ground screaming in pain and I could feel my bones breaking as I fell and once I was on the floor Aro and Marcus ran over to me and Aro said as Jane got down to the floor and took my hand Bella it's time we need to get this baby out and turn you as quickly as possible.

I said as breathed in and out though the pain ok and then Jane but me onto my back and then Aro got in between my legs and he took my bottoms and nickers off and looked up my bottom and he said you ready and I said yes and then Marcus said as he looked at Aro and he nodded his head ok Bella push and so I pushed, pushed and pushed until finally I felt Aro pull the baby out and it started to cry and Marcus said its a boy and then Aro held him up so I could see him.

I said as I started to cry oh my gosh he's so lovely and then I screamed out in pain again and Marcus looked up my bottom and he said Aro there's another one and I said what as Aro gave my baby boy to Heidi and then Aro looked up my bottom as Marcus moved away and Aro said ok Bella you are going to have to push again and I said ugh fine and I pushed until the baby came out and it started to cry.

Marcus said as he looked at the baby it's a girl and I smiled as I looked at both my kids and I said Renesmee and EJ and then I blacked out and then all I felt was someone bitting me over and over and then I screamed in pain and I could tell I was turning and it felt like the pain and screaming went on forever.

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Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora