Part One: The Attack- Chapter one

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Queen Echo gazed out over the planet Syphoo in distress.  They were here!  The Velorians! 

They had come from nowhere, and attacked before her army had been able to react.  Now they were swarming through the city, killing everyone in their path.   

Queen Echo turned away from the palace window.  She could not bear to watch anymore of the grizzly scene that was her royal city.  Why would the Velorians do this? Why would they attack her planet? 

Queen Echo sighed.  She knew exactly why.   

The Velorians were gray skinned, skeletal creatures from the planet Veloria.  They had big yellow eyes on the sides of their heads and long ugly snouts.  They had long limbs and sharp black claws, and they crawled along the ground on all fours like rats. 

Their planet, Veloria, was volcanic, and dying.  It was not even a fit place for the loathsome Velorians to live.    So now they were invading her beloved Syphoo.  They would kill off her and her people and take over the rule of Syphoo for themselves.

But something about all this still didn't seem to make sense to her.    The Velorians were fierce warriors, but they were also completely stupid and incompetent. 

They were smart enough to know that their planet was dying, and that they would all soon be dead if they stayed there, but Queen Echo did not think they were smart enough to plan the invasion of a planet, particularly a planet as strong as her's, without help.

There was someone else behind this attack, that much was sure, but who?  Who would want to overthrow her rule?  What planet would want her planet out of the way? 

Not the Calarians, they were all peace loving monks. 

The humanoids on Algroth were certainly wise enough and powerful enough to plan this kind of attack on her planet, but they also despised the Velorians, and would sooner die than work with them. 

The Hiviots from the planet Velodro were very vain and superior creatures, and would have thought it below them to even look at a Velorian, let alone plan an invasion with one.   

So who was behind this attack?  Who was smart enough, powerful enough, and tolerant enough of the Velorians to plan this invasion on her planet?

Queen Echo shook her head.  She may not have enough time to figure that out.


   Sam Kelton looked up into the night sky and sighed.

Oh how he wanted to escape from this planet!  Oh how he just wished for some space ship to come and take him and his mother away from this dreadful place!   

Sam was a 12 year old humanoid boy from the planet Kyphis.  He was very small for his age, only 4 feet tall, and he had curly red hair, which, according to his mother, meant he was royalty. 

Everyone of royal blood on Kyphis had red hair, his mother had told him.  She did, his sister did, and he did. 

His father, however, did not and that was the reason Sam and his mother had been exiled this desolate planet.     

His mother had no brothers so when her father had died the thrown was passed down to her.

But women were not permitted to rule the planet Kyphis, so she had been forced to marry so that her husband could take over the rule . 

He had ruled quite well for several years, but then one day his wife became pregnant.  He had waited nervously outside her bedroom knowing this could be the end of his rule.  If she gave birth to a son then he would inherit the crown, and all  would be lost!

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