90 days to live - Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"Warrior Hall." The Medic says. "How may I help?"

I point to Jared. "He was stabbed in the left thigh, his suit has sealed over the wound but it needs immediate treatment."

Worry and a hint of fear are instantly evident in the Medic's eyes. "Warrior Hall, we're swamped at the moment. Warriors are being injured left, right and centre and we do not have enough Vial to supply everybody. I need to finish treating others before I can move to Warrior Miller."

I listen closely to the Medic's words, my eyes glaring at his young face. "This isn't a first come, first serve basis. He will die unless you help him." I snarl. The Medic flinches slightly, but he face remains vexingly nonchalant.

"Lara its ok." Jared coughs out. "If I'm given something to stop the bleeding, I can treat myself. The Medic can help the others."

"No." I growl, slightly astounded of how protective I'm being.

"Warrior Hall, we need to accept that we will not be able to save every life here, we can only help as many as we can." The Medic replies.

"If you don't heal him, I will kill you myself." I hiss.

"Medic, pass me your cloth and continue with your job." Jared says. The Medic nods gratefully, unclipping his cloth from his belt and then walks away. I narrow my eyes with fury. How dare he disobey my orders.

Jared uses his daggers to shred his suit apart, separating the top thigh material from the high calf. The suit doesn't attempt to refix itself. The metallic smell of blood reaches me before the sight. I gag, forcing myself to turn away.

"Its covered." Jared says. "You have to turn the lights back now. Its dangerous for us to be in the dark."

I do as he says. Activating the control pad back at the entrance of the infirmary I command for the lights to be switched. However they don't change. This means an order has come from another leader and there is no way that I can override that. Kyle. I pinch the bridge of my nose between my thumb and forefingers. I have to find Ally now and I don't have time to find him.

I return to Jared's side, averting my eyes from the other Warriors.

"I've got to go."

"I don't want you to go and find him anymore." Jared says weakly.

"I don't have a choice."

"Yes you do. Send Kyle." He replies.

"No, I don't even know where he is."

"I'm not arguing about this Lara. I don't want you to get hurt as well." He says.

"I can protect myself." I say.

"I know you can but that doesn't mean you can fight off a Leto."

"I fought off the Auctor?" I reply. His lips purse sourly.

Taking his hand, I press a light kiss on his temple before a lingering peck on his lips. His hand locks around my neck and he deepens the kiss. My hands frame his face, brushing over his hot skin.

When I pull away from his feverish lips, I can see the idea of me fighting without him is not sitting well with him. I also notice the heat coming from his forehead.

"You have a fever."

He blinks a few times before answering. "I know."

I close my eyes, the notion of leaving him here like this both frightens and relieves me. At least he is safe in here but then the Medic's are not prioritising him in the way I want them too.

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