90 days to live - Chapter 8

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"Vic" I say, my voice fracturing into pieces.

"Hello Lara, hello Iron" Vicarius hisses back.

"Vic what are you doing with that letter?" 

"You never caught on did you Lara?" Vicarius grins, tapping the letter into his palm.

I can clearly see my name scripted in the elegant caligraphy. My body stiffens and I clench my fists. Another betrayal; I'm not sure how many more I can deal with. Is Vicarius truly the messenger of my own personal hell?

"What is going on?" Iron questions.

"Vic" I whisper desperately. "Was it really you?"

Vicarius smirks at me. The messenger has been beneath my nose since I got here. 

"You said she wouldn't be back in this compartment for another few days?" Vicarius growls at Iron, inclining his head towards me.

As I glance in horror towards Vicarius, my eyes pick up on the tiny details of his anatomy. He seems so familiar; it is as if I had seen him before joining the Sicarii.

"She awakened earlier than we predicted" Iron shrugs. 

Slowly Vicarius rests the letter on the bed, turning his back for one second. Air rushes into my lungs and I gasp gratefully as I'm discharged from the aslyum of his darkening eyes. When he faces Iron and I once more, they seem to glow within the plaster of his face; I cower back. The only other people I have seen with eyes so terrifying are....

"Of course she did" Vicarius says, his voice brimming with bitterness. "Because she can never harmonise with the plans of everyone else; she always has to botch everything"

I squint my eyes in disbelief. 

"Vicarius that is a little unreasonable" Iron steps forward; taking both his body and impending conniption with him.

Before either Vicarius or Iron have the opportunity to interject once more, I hear my own voice ringing around the walls of the compartment.

"Vicarius, you're a Torpen"

A moments silence reverberates through the walls. Yet the silence are the screams of warning; advising I put as much distance between Vicarius and myself. My resolution to run is shattered by the betraying shakes of my body.

"An unfathomable answer Lara, where is your proof?" Vicarius spits.

I lunge forward, using my instincts to claw my way to Vicarius. Yet he doesn't move, instead his raven eyes glint dangerously; challenging me to come closer. I growl in fury as I feel Iron's arms lock around my waist. 

"Lara stop it" He commands. "You're being irrational"

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