90 days to live - Chapter 21

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With Jared losing blood quickly and the impending threat of the Rex, my mind reels with confusion. Glancing towards Jared, I realise that he is my priority.

I kneel down beside him, placing my weapon back into my suit. Jared's suit has re-sealed from the slice of the Auctor's sword. He grimaces in pain.

"Go and stop him." He says, his teeth gritted.

I slide my arm underneath his good leg and loop my arm around his waist.

"He'll get to infirmary eventually. I'm sure that by the time, I've taken you to John, he still won't have gotten there." I say.

Jared pushes my arms away, a determinded look crossing his pale face. His attempts are feeble now. His eyes are widened slightly.

"Lara he'll know exactly where the infirmary is."

"I'm not just going to leave you here. If a Sicarius came, they would kill you without a second thought and you wouldn't be able to defend yourself." I reply firmly.


"Don't." I adjust my arms underneath his good leg once more and brace my knees. Avoiding his wounded leg, I stagger to my feet. His weight cripples me but I don't have another option other than him crawling. I take it one step at a time, creeping around the body of the Auctor. Though I wish it were true, but the Auctor is not dead. As a Mendosus, he still has to be de-mobilised, but it comforts me to know that the damage I have inflicted on him gives me time as well as options.

As we move quietly down the corridors, I am constantly on my guard for any abnormal sounds. My attention is captured by the walls as they convert from their usual white to the inert colours. They're now a decided black, with small, circular purple lights lining the edges of the floor. Though I'm fascinated by the change, it makes me sickeningly nervous. Though Jared and I are now camoflaged with the walls, so are the Sicarii in their indentical black suits. With only the round purple lights, I feel that we are now more in danger than we were before in bright light.

"They have to turn these lights off." Jared mumbles. He's completely right. The designers of the Sicarii base clearly didn't acknowledge that the Sicarii would also opt for black suits and they most definitely did not take a Leto's heightened senses into account.

"We can't stop yet."

I rest a few times on the way to the infirmary, pausing only momentarily to refresh my arms with a fresh surge of adrenaline before Jared's weight causes them to feel as heavy as lead once more. Recognising we cannot stop for long, I heave him back up into my arms. Jared doesn't say much. He focuses on staying awake, knowing he cannot allow himself to fall asleep. Focusing his eyes on the corridor ahead, I see beads of perspiration that kiss his brow.

By the time we reach the infirmary, my arms are all but numb. Luckily, we didn't encounter any other Sicarii roaming the corridors. The primary source of the battle must still be caged within the control room. Using my shoulder, I manage to activate the control pad and shuffle through the doors.

Ahead of me lies a corridor filled with dozens upon dozens of Warriors crouched on the floor. The white coats of a Medic stick out like neon signs against the inert colours of Warrior suits and the dark walls. I stare in horror at the amount of wounded.

"Medic." I call out, lowering Jared to the floor. He grimaces, resting his head back against the wall. His hair sticks to the sheen of sweat.

The closest white coat immediately responds, leaving the ashen-faced man he was treating. I feel a slight pang of guilt.

90 days to liveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz