90 days to live - Chapter 3

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The human world is no longer a mess; it’s spotless, clean and perfect.

It’s my world that’s the mess. It’s the obscure black night that peeks through the blanket of blue sky on even the brightest of days. But people around here have no idea how beautiful the darkness is.

However sometimes even the darkness can become too much; too scary, too intense and too lonely.

I heave run from my bedroom into the bathroom. I haul my upper body to meet the basin of the loo. My stomach empties itself until it’s satisfied. I weakly lower myself back onto the floor. I rest my sweaty forehead against the cool white tiles of my bathroom. Today is the day of my trial; the simulator will put me through a test to identify and attack my weaknesses. I can’t fail this one.

I let out a groan as I wretch. I’ve presumed my sickness is the result of my nervousness.

I just have to get through to the other side of day, preferably having succeeded.

Feeling slightly more at ease with my stomach and with the bile in my throat having settled down, I slowly climb up from the floor. Standing in front of the mirror I sigh. My ivory skin is ghostly, my cheekbones are hollow and jut out awkwardly and my hair sits limply upon my shoulders. What disturbs me most however, are my haunted eyes. The purple bruises act as a comforting cushion for the soul-less jade orbs; I barely recognise them as my own.

I waft my hand over the sensor and the cold water begins to flow. I splash the cooling liquid against my face, wiping the clammy perspiration off my brow. I cup my hand to scoop up some water and rinse out my mouth. I feel awful.

‘Stay safe’ He whispers.

A sickening shake racks my body and I shudder. Goosebumps form on the surface of my skin as I shiver from the suddenly chilly air. I clutch the rails of the sink and attempt to recover steady breathing. What is happening to me?

I must be more nervous than I thought.

The wave of nausea passes over me and I shakily shuffle out of the bathroom into my bedroom. The goose bumps rise on my skin again as I notice the change in temperature from my open window. The white satin drapes waft delicately in the wind. The atmosphere of my room has changed.

My eyes fall on my bed. In the middle lies a sealed envelope on top of scattered white rose petals. My mouth dries up leaving my tongue to feel as parched as sandpaper. I apprehensively stretch forward my arm to reach for the envelope. It feels thick in my palms as I weigh it up in my palms.

I sink into the plush bed as my fingers slide underneath the parchment of the envelope. Carefully I pull out a small white note and unfold it. I soon wish I hadn’t.

80 days left and counting down. You better get here soon, we will become bored of him soon and where will that leave you? I’ll see you soon.

Good luck Lara Hall.

My bottom lips trembles as I try and swallow the lump in my throat. How did this get in here? My eyes stray to my window. Something has been in my room in the brief few seconds I was in the bathroom. The realisation sinks in.

‘Iron’ I scream. The letter drops from my fingers as I scream myself into oblivion. My arms thrash wildly at my bed as the terror overtakes me, stealing my sanity and rationality. I shove the disgusting white petals off my bed, their potent aroma hits my nose. White roses, like Jared gave me before the first ball.

My fists begin to fly rapidly against the lilac pillows that rest against the headboard. Stupid Sicarii. White feather flurry around me as my fist makes one final blow at the strained seams of the pillow. I scream a torrid of incoherent curses. In the background I can hear footsteps pounding before two iron arms grip my waist.

90 days to liveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora