Warm Milk and Honey

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The two stared at each other.
Then both of them screamed at once.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" This one came from Arrika.
"Me? Have you seen yourself?!" Dyanna replied.
They studied each other, then went back to admiring their own changes. Arrika was engrossed with her fat belly and udder, but she didn't forget about her M breasts. She squeezed her left tit, and splashed milk on her friend.
"Aieee! Did you just spray milk on me?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I can clean you up"
"Not really, I'm literally a liquid, a... really horny liquid..."
Arrika was aghast at what her friend had said, and watched as Dyanna tried to plunge a finger into her... vaginal area... only to watch her pull out her hand.
Dyanna had pulled her hand out, only to give half of it gone, melted into honey. As she continued to panic, her hand had reformed. Arrika noted that her body would turn to honey if touching itself, but reform itself if separated.
Arrika leaned forward, bending down to meet at the same height, and touched Dyanna's golden belly.

As her friend touched her belly, Dyanna's whole body shivered. She looked to Arrika, stared in her eyes, and reached her hand up to touch her tit.

As soon as the light touch of Dyanna's hand caressed Arrika's left breast, a wave was sent through her body as she fell down, leaking white cream from her pressurized tits, and coming down on Dyanna.

Dyanna had experienced some wonderful orgasms before, but this was a whole different level. The feeling of Arrika's heavy, huge body flattening her gooey form sent shockwaves of white hot pleasure through her body, and she realized she could still feel the honey form of her legs, but couldn't buck them like her body wanted to. She couldn't help herself but moan, her sweet voice filling Arrika with lust.

Arrika heard the sickeningly sweet tone of her friend's moans, and almost replied with one of her own. She pulled herself off Dyanna though, her fat belly covered in the sticky honey. She sat back, trying to cross her legs, but found that her much thicker thighs and her udder would prevent that. To her amazement, the honey covering her rolled off, and crawled toward the pile that was her friend.

Dyanna stood up, or at least what she could, and looked down at herself, still amazed at her pregnant-with-honey form. She eyed Arrika, only to shuffle closer and lean down on her.

Arrika felt Dyanna's body push down on her udder, then her belly, then her tits, each one increasing the pleasure of her experience tenfold. The pressure mounted, and she creamed, each teat a pinpoint of white in a sea of black that was her world. She moaned, but it was drawn out and so deep, almost like a cow mooing... She was so transfixed in her orgasmic milking she didn't notice what was going on.

Dyanna enjoyed this more than she thought she would, and she thought she would love it. The streams of dairy exited her friend's udder, into her golden belly, and disappeared among the honey. The heat of her friend's milk felt so good inside of her she never even noticed the door opening and Mother Superior waking in to an extra fat, cow-like Arrika, naked and being milked by a glob of yellow honey, shaped vaguely like Dyanna, only uncovered and extremely pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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