Nature's Natural Sweetener

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As soon has Dyanna pulled the honey off the spoon in her mouth, something happened to her. Her whole body felt sticky, with her shorts and tee feeling plastered to her body. She tried to pull her shirt away from her body after she sat down the spoon, but she saw the change in her skin tone. From bronze, she paled slightly, only to turn yellow, then golden. A vibrant golden, almost like...
She stared at the honey bottle, the smiling bear almost taunting her. She looked beside her to somebody she didn't recognize. She was about to call out Arrika's name when she felt her stomach gurgle. She clutched it, and she thought she was pressing too tight, only to open her eyes and see her golden belly poke out from her shirt. It was growing, feeling heavier and rounder, looking as if she were rightly 6 months pregnant. She fell to the floor from the weight of her belly, and her legs felt like they were falling asleep.

They weren't falling asleep, rather they were disappearing in a glob of yellow liquid... He legs were turning to honey. He thighs are translucent enough to make out the wood grain of the vinyl floor, as her belly extended father, beckoning translucent itself. As her belly grew and her legs melted further, her shorts melted into the glob of sweetness forming beneath her, and she pulled off her shirt, rather the half that was left. When she did, she noticed her areola a deep gold color, with light gold drops hanging off each nipple atop her modest bust. She covered her nipples, feeling the sticky honey on her palms, and watched her breasts surge forward, adding a whole cup size to each before she let go. When she did, a small surge of honey fell from her nipples, into her lap and into her gooey form. She saw herself in the mirror across the room.

Her legs had almost entirely disappeared, leaving being a puddle of goo that had a vague shape of a vagina in her front, below her massive, gravid belly. The yellow went almost all the way to her neck, only to fade to a pale skin color for her head. Even get blonde hair turned to honey. At that point, she remember that something was happening to Arrika.

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