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So I was thinking," he started saying, "There's this party at one of my friends and I was curious If you'd like to come with me."
I thought about it for a minute. I remembered going to parties with Adeline before, but I have never really liked them, especially if they were dance parties. These past few times I was excited to see to meet new people, but going to this one would be different. It's probably select people and communication would be hard... after debating in my head I decided it was better than nothing and I'd have Luigi so. I nodded back to him and he smiled, "I'm sure you'll like it." I̶'̶m̶ ̶s̶u̶r̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶

Later that night that night we arrived at the party, I was wearing a semi-casual dress and Luigi wore the same thing he always did. We were outside some sort of castle in a foreign area I'd never been to. Another princess? We walked into a dimly lit room full of people and tables with alcohol. I'd never drank alcohol before and I wasn't planning on starting, so I assume I was brought to this party to safely take Luigi home if he drank too much. Just like always. I sighed. Just then a girl in a bright orange dress came running over to us. "LUIGI, hey so glad you could make it! Whos your friend, her dress is cute, what's your name?" She was as loud as her dress. "This is (y/n), and happy birthday daisy." She looked over at me and immediately began bombarding me with a questions, "wow how'd you two meet? when'd you move here? where'd you live before? do you have a job?" And when I literally couldn't reply she was confused, "what cat got your tongue? Is she shy?" She was now asking Luigi questions about me, "daiz she can't speak, she's mute." She blinked and struggled to grasp the idea, "well that's okay, enjoy yourself (y/n). Anyway Luigi, I need your help come with me." And with that they left.

Alone and confused I scanned the room for people to talk to, most people were toads, except for a tall skinny man wearing purple and a short stubby one in yellow. If Luigi was off then I wasn't willing to wait so I headed over to the men. They were near the back of the room and seemed lonely. I walked up to them and waved. "Hey, what's your name little lady?" The slender one asked. I spelled out my name in sign language. He looked at me for a minute while moving his hands in similar shapes to mine. "(Y/n)? Is that correct." He finally said and a smile spread across my face as I nodded. He understood??! I signed 'what's yours?' And within a few seconds he replied, "waluigi, and this is wario." I was beyond ecstatic. I wanted to say so much to him. 'How can you understand me?' I waited, and then he replied "I took ASL in college. It takes me a minute to understand, but I get it."
'That's so cool! You're the first person I've met who can understand.'
"Must be pretty rough then huh?" I nodded. 'Does he speak asl too?'
"Nah, he spent his time stealing instead of learning." He laughed. I waved at wario, he didn't seem like much of a crook. "Hey..."
"He's waiting for someone to come pick him up." Waluigi explained, "this party is a waste of time." I sighed and nodded. "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked, but before I could reply someone yelled at me, "(Y/n), get away from them!" I looked back to see Luigi coming towards us. "Speak of the devil" waluigi sighed. "are you okay? Did the hurt you?" Luigi was frantic and seemed angry. I shook my head no. "We were just talking Luigi, no need to get upset." Waluigi looked like he'd been in this situation before, I signed to him 'tell him that I want to talk to you' he watched, nodded and repeated it back to Luigi. "You can't, they're dangerous!"he tugged on my arm, 'They're perfectly fine.' Waluigi nodded, "dude she thinks we're fine, just let her talk to us, it's not like she can with anyone else." Luigi kept tugging on my arm, but I pulled back. 'I want to stay here, and talk to them. I don't want to be around dopey princesses or be your chaperone.' Waluigi was reading my hands the entire time, but he didn't relay the message. "She says okay." He sighed, "just give her a minute." I looked at Waluigi, "don't ruin your friendship over me, we'll talk later." He whispered to me. What? The first person I can actually talk to and no one wants me to? I got dragged away by Luigi. "Look I'm sorry, but they're bad people."

I didn't give any sort of response for the rest of the night, I just hung around him and daisy. And eventually everything settled, it wasn't exactly Luigi's fault, he's trying to protect me, I just wish I could have talked with Waluigi more. I sighed and watched as people paired up to dance, watching Luigi and daisy dance. They're probably dating, it explains a lot. I looked over at the alcohol and took a glass as I walked out of the party. My stomach overflowed with emotions and I began to cry, making waking home difficult.

I saw someone walk towards me, the tears made everything too blurry to see. The figure grabbed my shoulders"Hey, quit crying it ruins your pretty face." When I woke up I was on the couch of my house. The rest of the night was a blur and the most I could remover was wind blowing on my face and the warmth of holding onto someone, was I on a motorcycle? I sat up with a sharp pain in my head. I looked at my coffee table to see a Rose with a letter attached. 'Found you crying and drunk. I took you home, and left you on the couch, hope you feel better.
Ps- I forgot to give you this last night. '
There was a phone number attached. I looked at my phone, this was the first number I'd gotten here. I put it in my phone and texted a 'thanks for taking me home, but who is this?' . However I didn't know Whoms it was. I put my phone on the counter and put the rose in a vase, it was a waste to let it die. Just as I set the vase down I almost knocked it off from the sound of the doorbell.

I opened the door to a frantic Luigi. "Thank goodness you're okay!" He hugged me and I became embarrassed recalling everything that happened last night. "Where did you go?" He said releasing the hug. I shrugged and pointed to my house. I didn't exactly want him to know that I wasn't safe. He sighed, "I'm sorry about last night. I should have stayed with you." Y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶a̶l̶k̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ i shook my head no and ran to grab my note pad. I wrote down an apology to him. "Looks like we're both sorry huh" He laughed a little, "I'm just glad you're safe. I promise I'll take care of you from now on." How embarrassing to hear, I grew red in the face and tried to forget about that night, but it was hard.
Especially when daisy started coming over nearly every day.

《ON HIATUS》Silent Love (Luigi x !MUTE-Reader)Where stories live. Discover now