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When we arrived at Luigi and Mario's house I was hesitant to walk in, but in the mix of my thoughts was Luigi grabbing me gently by the wrist and leading me inside. I felt bad for pushing this whole situation on Mario, oh gosh he probably hates me! He doesn't want to see me. When we stepped inside I was so reluctant to even move,  and then I saw him, he walked into the room silently and stared at the both of us.

Drop dead silence filled the room and I began to freak out more. He hates me! I didn't mean it to be like this! I'm sorry! My thoughts were cut off by Luigi warmly saying, "We got you stuff for your tip bro." Mario smiled a little and the air that was once choking my throat soon became forgiving and let me breathe again. "Thank you guys." Mario's tired, scratchy voice said. He walked over and took the bag patting both of us on the shoulder. He doesn't hate me? Argh! I have so many questions but I can't ask them in this darn body. I walked over and helped Mario take stuff out of the bag and put them into his traveling bag, it was much smaller, yet somehow everything fit.

"Well thank you for the help," Mario rested his hand on my shoulder. "I'm headed out, and Luigi- take care of yourself." The brothers looked at each other in a sort of mutual agreement. With his final words he left, it seemed almost abrupt in a way and left a bit of uncertainty in my stomach. A familiar feeling washed over me and I became sad for my foreign new friends, and really started to miss the old. A few tears started to form in my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away.

I looked over at Luigi, I was eager to cheer him, and myself, up. I pointed to the door and motioned walking. He looked at me and nodded, sighing a bit, "he leaves a lot and I should be used to it, but- i don't know, it seems to get harder every time without him."
I nod and pat his shoulder, giving a small smile. He follows me outside and back to my house where I "ask" him to sit. I pull out my new sketch pad and write down 'what would you like to do?' It was a bit sloppy but still legible. "I'd like to get to know you better, I want to understand that quiet brain of yours." I nod at him as he begins to ask me the first question.

"What's your favorite pass time?" I get a little embarrassed at his question. I write down 'playing video games' and hope he doesn't judge too hard, but instead he smiles, "videogames are super fun. I'm glad you like them." So he likes them too- huh. He asks me question after question, all very generic and simple, but then he says something that I've barely thought of, "if you could say anything what would it be?" I took a bit longer than normal until I finally wrote what I've always wanted to say to someone, 'I love you'. He laughs a little, "that's cute (y/n), that's probably the most pure thing Ive heard." He laughed a bit more and I got embarrassed, I didn't mean to sound childish. He must have noticed, because he immediately followed with a 'I'm sorry,I don't mean to mock', but it only worsened my flustered state. I don't want him to feel bad about my social awkwardness. I look up at him and watch him, he has such a soothing voice and a wonderful laugh. I wish I could speak. I sighed a little and released the heat building up inside me.

"Hey how bout we watch something?" he suggested, probably trying to change the subject and make me feel better. I nodded and got up on the couch next to him from the spot on the floor. I gave him the remote and offered for him to pick. So we relaxed together watching a movie for the rest of the afternoon. When it became 'round 8 he got up and headed home. I was too sleepy to even notice he left, and I eventually lied down on the couch. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to someone in my house and I freaked out a bit. I sat up and prepared the tv remote as a weapon only to see Luigi, in my kitchen, making food. "Oh sorry to scare you. I realized I left the door unlocked last night and came in to check up on you, but you were asleep so, I thought I'd make you breakfast." He said startled, and I sighed putting the remote down. I was glad he was here actually, since I moved out and away from all my roommates life has been kinda lonely. I smiled and walked over to him, offering help, but he wouldn't let me. I gave him a puppy dog eyes look, "Nono, you deserve it." I didn't know if he was pitying me or not but I followed his wishes and sat at the table. when he was done we ate decently quick. not gonna lie, he's a very good cook. I signed a thank you and he smiled, "of course, anytime (y/n)." I liked the way he said my name, it had such a sweet tone to it, with friendly reverb.

He definitely had the most heart warming voice I've come across. Elena had a quiet voice but with bubbly undertones. Adeline was loud and excited but could be refined and quiet. Mario was a bit harsh but friendly when needed. Toads had.. a unique screechy voice, never good, always bad. Myself, I would probably have a higher pitched annoyance of one. I don't think to highly of myself and if I were to have a super negative trait, voice would fit that category. Luigi has such a melodic one, at least to me, that I could listen to him all day if I had the choice.

I smiled at him as we finished and I cleaned up the plates. "So I was thinking," he started saying.

《ON HIATUS》Silent Love (Luigi x !MUTE-Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang