Chapter One

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Maddie's POV:

I inhale sharply. I take a look in the mirror. This is the first step. So many thoughts rush to my head. What if something went wrong? What if I fall over and face plant the floor. Shit. I could do that. I can't do this.

I stare blankly at the mirror. Who was this woman? I was wearing a long white strapless dress that spaced out on the floor. My hair was up and had small strips of hair coming out that was curled. My make up covered my flaws and I had a veil laying on my back with a small little tiara in my hair.

"You look beautiful." I heard a familiar voice coo. "Thank you Amanda." I turn my head to see Amanda, Martins Amanda. "That groom is one lucky man." In a few steps she is fixing my dress. "I'm one lucky bride" I smile at her. "So who's giving you away?" Amanda was one of my close friends and was obviously a brides maid. "Tom. My dad" I sigh at the thought. I still didn't like them but its tradition.

"Oh..." Is all that Amanda says. "Maddie you look stunning" Juliana was now by my side. She was Maid of honour. "Thanks and you guys look so adorable" I smile widely at them. "Oh my darling girl you look stunning" my Mum gives me a loving smile.

I was wearing a strapless wedding gown that puffed out alittle at my waist. "Thank you" my hair was up in a sorr of bun but a few strands were loose and curled. My hair was curled so if I took it out at least it would look nice.

"Are you ready?" Juliana asks. I nod. She had the baby a year ago last week, little Abby. Me and Ben had been planning the wedding it was nice. Finally spring 2015 when the flowers were the prettiest we are to be married.

I walk out to where my Father stood. "My little girl finally married." he was crying. Oh for fuck sake. "Almost married dad" I kiss his cheek in reassurance.

I link arms with him as I watch my brides maid walk down the aisle. Now it was my turn. Sickness filled my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up and faint all at once. "Dad dont let me fall. Don't let go" I grip his arm.

"I let you go once, never again" he whispers to me. I look at the alter. There standing in a black suite with a black bow tie is Benedict Cumberbatch. The man I'm about to marry. God. He looked dashing. Suddenly every nerve in my body forgets its my wedding day and just focuses on him.

The man I want to spend the rest of my life with, the man I'll grow old with. This is it. I finally reach him. "Take good care of her" Dad gently hands me over. Like a fragile China doll. "I will." Ben kisses my hand. "Thanks Dad" I peck my Dad's cheek and turn to Ben.

"We are gathered here today to bring together two very beautiful people. Benedict Cumberbatch and Madeline Grey. We proceed to speak the vows." he turns to Ben first.

"Please repeat after me. I Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch"

"I Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch" he repeats

"Take you Madeline Christina Grey to be my lawfully wedded wife. To love and hold, in sickness and in health to death do we part" Ben repeats these words perfectly. I stare into his eyes feeling everything stop. Only listening to him

"Now you Maddie. I Madeline Christina Grey take Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch, as my lawfully wedded husband. To love and hold, in sickness and in health to death do we part." I repeat these words.

"By the power invested in me I pronounce you Husband and Wife you may kiss the bride"

Ben brings me closer and our lips meet. Fireworks exploding inside of me. Soon we are pulling away to hear everyone clap and cheer.

I am now Madeline Christian Cumberbatch and it feels amazing.

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