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Maddie's POV

My eyes flicker open. Everything felt different. The light was blinding, where was I? The bed wasn't mine. Nothing was mine in this room.

I slowly sit up, my body ached. Shit was I dead? Again? "Uh Maddie. Your awake" a formal voice calls to me. I turn my head to see a man with blonde hair and green eyes smiling at me but it wasn't a happy smile. It was pained.

"Hello?" I say rather weakly. "Hello I'm Doctor Smith." He steps closer eyes never leaving mine. "Where am I?" I look around noticing that I've been in this room before. "Your in the hospital" Smith reassures me. "WHY" I yell tears springing to my eyes. "There has been..complications." He looks down almost hurting "WHERES BEN! WHERE IS MY BENEDICT" I yell louder almost crying. "We need you to stay calm. Mr Cumberbatch is fine. But......we are terribly sorry for your loss." My eyes let the tears fall. My hand instinctively lays it self on my stomach.

Oh god. What happened. Why am I here. I lost something.

Suddenly pain washed over me.

I had lost the small thing. But it hurts so much.

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