part 5

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Sun rays peeping from window woke up khushi...she was still sitting on one blink she remembered that all happened...she looked around and there was no sign of Arnav...she picked up her clothes and quickly changed into them...she wanted to leave without any other encounter with Arnav but luck was not on her she opened the door to leave Arnav was standing there...

They both stood there staring at each other...a different kind of fight of was going between their eyes...

"u can't go like this" Arnav whispered moving in and holding her arm...

khushi struggled under his touch..."leave me"

"There was nothing between me and Natasha" Arnav said aggressively...

khushi laughed sarcastically..."nothing...she was just pregnant with ur child"

"Pregnant?" Arnav frowned..."u r misunderstanding"

"I saw everything with my own eyes..." she jerked his hand away..."u and Natasha in honeymoon suite of that 5 star hotel...I saw how happy u were with news...I saw how whole suite was decorated with red roses...bloody hell I saw that I love u board" she pushed him and walked out but Arnav held her hand...

"listen to me khushi...I can explain" Arnav's temper was rising...

"I don't want to hear any of ur lie...just let me go" khushi yelled...

Arnav left her hand with push..."if u want to go...go but if u walked out from here today without hearing me once...everything will be over khushi..."

"Everything has been over long back" khushi spatted and left from there...


One week! It had been one whole week the last time she saw Arnav...he had magically disappeared from her life after that day...No! she doesn't miss him...or maybe she does...who is she trying to fool...she does miss him...even after what happened she still loves him with every fiber in her...the moment she left his house she had resolved to move on but she couldn't...she went on few be precise on 3 dates...2 of them were blind dates organized by her cousins cookie and coffee...and third one well...she went on date with her old school friend nk out of sympathy...her each date ended as disaster...she would search only for him in every was after falling in love with him she understood what it is actually meant by Love hurts...

She waited that whole night for Arnav to come and give her some explanations but all she got was his voice message telling her he is busy and won't be coming home tonight...

Next day she left...her parents didn't ask any question when she showed up totally broken...her brother was furious on Arnav but she stopped him binding in promise...Arnav was always clear about their was she who was fool and still expected things from him...

As khushi's father was lawyer there were no problem in her divorce proceedings and she didn't had to see Arnav all through while...As Arnav also agreed for divorce so they were granted divorce soon...

khushi's chain of thoughts broke when Dadi's voice echoed in her ear...

Dadi: I knew u will come...she engulfed her in a hug...

khushii smiled hugging her back...she was right now at raizadaa's was Dadi's 65th b'day the next day...and Dadi wanted a grand they were having 2 days long celebration...khushi didn't wanted to come as it was a family event but Dadi insisted and she couldn't deny her for long and finally agreed...she was quite sure that today she will definitely meet side she wanted to meet him but on other side she didn't...

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