part 3

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khushi was unpacking all her stuff...her company has provided them apartment which she was sharing with one of her colleague was small but enough spacious for both of them to live...they both sat on couch once they were done with took them more than 3 hours to keep everything on its place...

The doorbell rang making them groan with frustration...

"I will see who it is" khushi said wondering who could be there..

khushi's eyes filled with tears as she look at the person standing in front of her...

"Dadi..." she smiled and bend to touch her feet but Dadi pulled her in a tight hug...

"Don't call me Dadi...Where were u for 3 years leaving this old lady all alone?" Dadi complained not letting her go...

khushi cried silently in her arms...she missed her so much...

"I am sorry Dadi...I wanted to stay away from everyone" she said wiping her tears n pulling back from her..."how u come to know about me?"

"Arnav" Dadi replied giving answer to her every unasked question..."my grandson shares everything with me"

khushi slightly nodded and led her inside...

payal was looking at both of them with weird face...

"khushi I didn't know ur family stays here" she said smiling at Dadi...

"Namaste Dadi...I am khushi's colleague and flat mate..." she introduced herself...

Dadi smiled..."Khush Reh Puttar!"

payal went in kitchen to make tea and snacks for Dadi whereas Dadi settled on couch...

khushi sat beside her resting her head on her lap...something she used to do more often back then...

"I missed u Dadi..." she sighed as Dadi brushed her hairs with her fingers...

"Don't lie now! U for not even once contacted me in last 3 years..." she said sadly...

"I wanted to me but I was scared...I disappointed u...I couldn't keep this marriage"

"Whatever happened it was between u and Arnav...I am sure something big must have happened which forced u to do take such a big step...Arnav never talked about what actually happened and I never asked!" she completed caressing her face...

khushi sat up and looked at her..."u don't hate me?"

"Why would I hate u?" she chuckled..."In fact I miss my gossip partner!" she pouted making khushi laugh...

"u hadn't changed a bit Dadi..." she said smiling...

"But u have changed a lot..." she replied looking at her suggestively...

khushi leaned back on her lap..."Time and Pain does that to people..." she said with hint of hurt in her voice...

Dadi sighed..."tell me everything I missed in ur life for 3 years" she changed the topic...

khushi smiled and told her about each and every thing that took place in her life in last 3 years...payali brought tea and snacks for them in between and left from there giving them alone time..

"u didn't mention someone special..." she asked teasingly...

khushi smiled faintly..."there isn't any...I went on few dates but they all were disaster...I just suck at relationships..."

"I can see how badly scarred the marriage with Arnav has left u...!" she said remorsefully...

khushi held her hand..."u can't control some things...but u r the best thing that happened to me due to this marriage...My Friend Forever" she grinned...

trust me(completed)SS ArshiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang