Chapter 1: Creation Comes After Destruction

Start from the beginning

EG Universe; Canterlot High

It was about an hour until CHS started the started the school day, groups of friends walking in the building, teachers and staff arriving with stacks of papers for the day. Everything seemed back to normal ever since the fall winter formal. Two girls were walking and having a conversation about what classes they had for the day. One of the girls had bouncy brilliant rose hair, a blue vest, white under shirt, and a pink skirt with three balloons on them, while the other wore a black leather jacket with a pink under shirt, orange skirt, and a spiked collar.

"So you ready for practice today Pinkie?" asked Sunset Shimmer.

Pinkie Pie: "You bet your buckets I am I've been waiting for like forever!"

Sunset Shimmer: "Pinkie, the last time we practiced was yesterday?"

Pinkie Pie: "I know! I'm just-whoa hold on!"

"What's the matter?" asked Sunset cocking her head to the side watching Pinkies body twitch uncontrollably.

Pinkie Pie: "Whoa I've never had a doozy that big before?"

Sunset Shimmer: "Doozy?"

"Yeah its part of the Pinkie sense I have." said Pinkie as Sunset was about to respond with a question but decided not, knowing that she would just go around in circles trying to find the answer.

"Well whatever this 'doozy' is I'm sure it's nothing." said Sunset Shimmer as they walked through the doors that led into the school.

Goku's vision was blurry as he tried to open his eyes he could hear a voice calling out to him but couldn't make out who it was. His vision started to clear when he noticed that something was different with his body. he looked down to see he wasn’t wearing his orange gi anymore, but blue jeans with black shoes and a orange t-shirt that still somehow had the turtle symbol on it. Goku stood up and looked around and noticed he was on some kind of field for a sport he couldn't put his finger on what sport it was thinks it was called.

"Kakarot!" said a familiar but lighter voice. Goku's eyes went wide when he saw the teen facing him, he wore blue jeans with white shoes and a blue tank top.

"Vegeta is that you?! What happened, you’re a kid!" screamed Goku

"Don't you think I know that? By the way you should look in the mirror as well." said Vegeta as Goku looked into a puddle at his reflection noticing that he was a kid as well.

"Whhaaa!" screamed Goku as he fell backwards, "How did this happen?!"

"Calm yourself Kakarot, it's obvious we're on another world, we must have been sent here when Lord Beerus-" Vegeta stopped and clenched his fists in anger, Goku took the sign as well knowing that the Earth was destroyed along with their friends and family. Vegeta screamed in the air and turned super saiyan, at least the transformation they went through didn't shrink their power levels. Goku put a hand on Vegeta shoulder with a sad smile.

"Vegeta, they’re gone. Screaming in rage won't get them back." said Goku as Vegeta powered down to his normal form.

"I can't believe I'm saying this Kakarot but you're right, but since we’re stuck here stuck as damned teenagers we might as well ask for help." Goku nodded as he and Vegeta spotted the building behind them that said Canterlot High School, Vegeta sighed mentally knowing that this was not going to start or end well. The two saiyans walked through the doors as everyone stopped and stared at the two teenage saiyans, it was silent a couple more moments until everyone went back doing their own business.

The two saiyans walked through the halls of the high school as the other students were giving them strange looks. Girls were smiling devilish at them and boys were scowling at them. Goku was always confused about girls and their emotions, where Vegeta didn't have a care in the world. Goku not paying attention bumped into a girl with brilliant rosey puffy hair and they both fell on the ground. Vegeta face palmed in embarrassment at Kakarot's clumsiness.

"Oh...uh..Sorry, my bad." said Goku as the light ceriseish girl just gasped in his face and ran off. Goku tilted his head in confusion and got up and continued to walk with Vegeta until they reached a door that had the sign 'Principal Celestia'.

"This must be the one in charge so she must give us answers" said Vegeta as he barged in the room with Goku following in pursuit. When they came in they were met with a woman with a suit and gradients of pale grayish cyan, light artic blue, pale light grayish harlequin, light aquamarine, pale light grayish cornflower blue, pale light grayish mulberry, and darker mulberry hair and light magentish skin. "Ah you must be the new students." she says as the saiyans eyes widen.

Goku: "Uh I think-"

"What are you two names." said Celestia as she interrupted Goku. Vegeta knew this wasn't going to go anywhere so he decided to just go with it.

"My name is Vegeta, and this buffoon is my brother Kak- er I mean Goku." said Vegeta as Goku looked at him in confusion, he was about to protest when he got an elbow to the side, he winced but nodded to Celestia in secret pain. Celestia finished writing down their new schedules and handed them to the two teens.

"Welcome to Canterlot High." said Celestia as the Goku and Vegeta walked out the office and took a glance at their schedules. They both sighed to not only having the same exact schedules but that they were stuck on this new world with no information about it and as kids. Goku and Vegeta walked to their first period class and stood outside the door. They both sighed again and walked in to start a brand new adventure.

*With their earth being destroyed by the hands of Lord Beerus, Goku & Vegeta are in a world that's quite unknowing to them with a new world, a high school, and many elements how will the saiyans endure first period? Tune in next time on Battle Of Gods!*

(Hey all, Moore here giving you a little something something to pass the time and keeping my wattpad busy, with Road to Wrestlemania stories and EEnE Z: Loud Attack, this is a side story, reworded by me, original in FIMFiction by Zebra Hybrid, there's plenty more were that came from until then, sayonara my peeps)

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