Part 2-The Remaking (Jax)

Start from the beginning

Snow's brother appeared from behind her. "Devin, you ready to get these guys out?"

"Yeah, Heath," she said, kissing his cheek. Jocelyn made a gagging noise. "Just filling them in."

"But, who's running Enchantasia?" Kayla demanded.

"Me." Heath said, without a shred of embarrassment. "Devin, Logan, Raina, AG, and Sasha, too, I guess, but mostly me."

"Heath." Devin elbowed him playfully. The chemistry between them was clear.

"All right, fine. We've got a council of sorts, the five of us. Since three of us were related to those monsters, I think we might have to clear the air a little before we get the people to trust us. Other than a few minor bumps, it's sure to be better than the princesses, anyway. We're hoping a few of you might consider joining?"

"Maybe you should let us out first." Kayla said quietly.

Heath laughed and waved a pair of skeleton keys in the air. "On it."


In the end, Jax and Kayla were the only ones open to being part of the council. The others took one look at the fancy room and decided they'd rather be helping on the commoner side of things. While they all wanted to assist them, the whole idea of the council seemed a bit daunting. Jax didn't blame them, but he was excited with the prospect of getting to help people. Doing things he'd always pressured his sister to do. He was thrilled.

Sitting on his sun-warmed throne in the council room, Jax was buzzing with pleasure. All of the council members were so nice and friendly, he felt like his circle of friendship was growing. AG was a riot, Logan was reasonable, Sasha was self-righteous and genius, Raina was politically inclined, Heath was good at sympathizing with commoners and knights, and Devin was a natural leader and hero. Add Jax's instincts and personality to the mix, and they were a perfectly balanced council indeed.

The council room, previously Rapunzel's throne room, was little more than a long, elegant, circular marble table surrounded by seven identical white chairs, or 'thrones' for each council member. Heath and Raina had been debating whether or not to get rid of the other princesses's castles, as the council only needed one. Jax conceded the point, with the idea that the trinkets and materials inside the castle could be sold, and the profits used to benefit the neediest commoners. Gilly loved the idea.

Gilly. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a small smile. The aftermath of their breif inprisoment had been fairly simple. She and Ollie had been awoken with a little magic, and there wounds treated. Everyone had made it out of the battle with little more than a few nasty knocks to the head and other miscellaneous injuries. Raina's shoulder was dislocated, and Sasha ended up with a broken rib. Both injuires, Jax had discovered, were courtesy of Rapunzel. But they were easily healed.

He'd been flustered around Gilly for a few days after the whole incident. Panic about her welfare had turned into boyfriendly concern, which turned into her snapping that he'd better stop asking about her wellbeing or she'd pummel him in the forehead, thank you very much. Jax had rolled his eyes, but dropped it.

Though Jocelyn still teased them about it, the whole love confession thing seemed like an embarassing episode of Jax's life he'd been starring in, but hadn't realized it. Neither of them had mentioned it, skating carefully around their feelings as if they were a cliff they weren't ready to jump off of. She'd been given quarters in the palace a door away from his, and he'd found himself blushing violently every time he saw her emerge, keeping his head down. If he'd bothered to look at her, he would have seen the knowing smirk on her face.

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