chapter 32: troubles

Start from the beginning

The lady stood up with her cane "she endangered from something but don't know what exactly it's fuzzy but I can't be around you " she runs off

I looked at Michael's then at my palm knowing exactly what she meant but annoyed it "let's just go that was a waste of time" she chipping at her nails again

Michael seen knowing she was hiding something.from her chipping her nails "what you hiding Scarlett I tell by your nails "

I looked at him "nothing I'm fine come on I don't want talk about it " she grunts stomping ahead of him

Michael catches up with her "fine you don't have to tell me but don't fuss at me im your dad "

Scarlett growled holding her fist "fine "

Luke getting groceries but trying avoid people so won't upset Bella since she still getting used to people
Bella get distracted by the toys runs off as Luke get Ceral

Bella plays with them as people takes pics of her
I look at them then backed away holding onto my toys tight bumping into clothes making them fall as it made a loud noise , the lady picked me up as I whined
The worker turn looking for Luke I kicked wanting Luke but she annoyed it waking to the front with me I squealed "want daddyy" I said as she
Said "I know"
I said "want lukey" going by his real name so she let me go
Her eyes widen as she takes selfies with me "I can make tons if money" she looked around and walked out with me out the store taking em to her car I screamed my lungs out but people just thought I was being a typical little toddler thinking I didn't get a toy

Luke realize she was gone 5 mins later looking around running around the store trying to fine her "BELLA ?" He said having a sick feeling in his gut wanting to know where she is

The lady popped my leg saying quiet it I sniffled and nodded stopping scared wanting her family

Michael trying to talk to Scarlett as she annoyed him

"Zipped it " she said looking the other way

Michael looked at her "what you -"

"Shhhh I here something !" She said

Michael looked at her "we're in the city acorse"

Scarlett groans jerking him to the side "look I have super powers alright not stop it I hear something but I can't tell where either from it too far away " she transformed into a German Shepard smelling fear and bolts down the street

Michael shook not knowing how to react but chases after Scarlett who now a dog at the moment but get tired after 2 blocks

Luke calling police and Michael telling them he lost Bella and how they saw them with a lady

Police tracked down where bells was driving to there

Michael followed Scarlett to the house seieng police everywhere trying to get in "No that my baby girl let me go I know it dangerous !" He pushed at them as they hold him back also Luke once he got there

Scarlett was a dog they assume it was one of there's sneaking into the house seeing a group of people also Bella

I looked at the dog knowing it was Scarlett by the nails but trying to stay calm since she surrounded by tons of scary people

Scarlett crouched as she hid behind the couch

The police breaks down the door yelling for them put there hands up several ran grabbing Bella as they others held the police back

Scarlett jumped up tackling one thinking they had Bella but didn't trying to look for her at the moment

The police notice it didn't have a great but took Scarlett along in the car chasing after them

Bella squeal with her eyes shut as she get shooken around in the guy arm as he ran into the woods with me , he told me shut up seeing the cops was super close

Scarlett jumped out the window of the car chasing him seeing he had a knife as if he was gonna hurt somebody but knew he wouldn't do it

The cops came and grab the guy take to jail also Bella taking her to the police station in the back for the cop car

I sat in the back with her pressing my head on her still a dog under cover as she pet me crying real hard scared to death "I want my daddyyy "

The cop looked in the back signing but sped up some entell they got to the police station and and picking her up taking her inside wrapping her up in a blanket talking to the sheriff about bell also Scarlett saying I was a stray once they realize I didn't have a collar nor a vest on .

I looked around seeing alot of guys in uniform trying to talking still wanting Luke and Michael but to scared to over hearing that I would have to go to Foster care as Scarlett growled I held around her neck

The cop came over to me trying to talk to me but I didn't talk to them

Luke Michael heading to he station they got up there trying to explain what happen wanting Bella and Scarlett back right now but they wasn't going to since they wasn't in proper care

Bella sees Luke trying to go to him but I doubt he seen me as one the cops told me sit in that chair and don't moved as I called my eyes out

Scarlett looked around then turned human heading to where they can see her mouthing "we'll be okay dad's we love you I'll take care of her in the mean time just relax "

The guys gulped but fight with the office wanting to see then bit wasn't allowed finally giving up going home not relaxing worried for them

Scarlett turned into a German Shepard again once a police officer came again and stayed by Bella side the whole time so she be less scared being here rocking her trying calm her down btu it didn't work entell he out her down next to Scarlett

I looked at the cop not talking holding a tight grip on to Scarlett fur as a lady from child services was talking to me how I'm going into a foster home for a bit I looked down at Scarlett "want puppy"

The officer givee some slight smiled in relief once she calmed down and realized she really likes that dog alot
The lady from the service looked at Bella biting her lip then at the officer nodding "alrighty then long it behaves with the new family come on " she held out her hand

I looked at her shaking my head going with her and the officer riding to a new home with Scarlett as I tried not to cry anymore

Scarlett licks my face trting ti get the tears off as we left

-to be continue-

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