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A/N- Before we start this does have homophobic slurs and such since this is taking place in the 90's . So if you have some issues with that than maybe check out my other books!

Enjoy~ <3

________________________________________________________________________________ Keith's Pov

Everyone in my town new I was gay and that was just a lot of backlash.. I was currently being thrown against a locker by an angry jock named Lotor, my biggest bully in the entire town. Lotor caught me reading and started to make fun of me and when I ignored him, this happened.  Lotor punched me in the nose and kneed me in the gut. He kept calling me 'fag' and some other slurs. He punched me in the eye, making the back of my head hit a locker dial. He was about to punch me again when he heard footsteps in the empty hallway. He threw me onto the ground and booked it. I held onto my stomach and groaned I realized that my nose was bleeding when I saw it dripping onto the tiles under me. My vision was blurred and I tried getting up but started swaying and started falling before someone had caught me.

"Are you alright?" The voice was male and I didn't dare look at the male. When people usually asked me if I was alright they would abuse me verbally and physically. The other male lifted my chin softly and made me look into his blue eyes filled with concern. I could feel my eye already bruising from Lotor's punch.

"We should get you to the nurse, you look pretty beaten up." The male helped with blue eyes put me back up on my feet as I grasped my stomach and led me to the nurses office. The nurse and I have became quite good friends ever since I came to this damned high school and when I came in he rolled his eyes at me.

"Keith, this is the 4th time this week and it's only Wednesday!" Coran yelled as he took me from the other boys arms. He sat me down on the exam bed and the boy with blue eyes stood by the door way of the room, leaning against the frame.

"Well it's not my fault! I was just sitting out in the halls and this dumb jock came and started mocking me, so I ignored him and he started beating me up!" I defended myself. Coran handed me a tissue and faced the boy that had helped me here.

"What's your name young man?" Coran asked.

"Oh- Uh, Lance." He said looking up at Coran.

"Can you watch Keith while I get an ice pack?" Coran walked passed Lance without letting him answer.

"Soo, your name's Keith?" Lance asked going over to sit in a waiting chair.

"uh, Y-yeah." 

"Who beat you up? Maybe we ca-" I cut him off.

"I don't mean to be rude but if your next words are 'tell the principal' than you clearly must not know my reputation at this school." Lance looked startled at my calm outburst. I sighed. Does this kid really not listen to the rumors or is he just new?

"How long have you been going here?" I asked him.

"It's my first school year here." He replied. I nodded.

"Lucky bastard.." I mumbled. I've gone to this high school since freshman year and now i'm a junior.

"What was that?" Lance asked.

"Oh! nothing." Just then the door slammed open revealing a very distressed Shiro and his boyfriend Adam along with a Matt who was just reading a book.

"Keith!! Ohmygodareyouokay?IpassedcoraninthehallandhesaidyouwerehurtandsoidraggedAdamandmatthere,Isweartogod,wasitRoloorhowab-" I placed my hand over my older brothers mouth.

"Shiro, I'm fine you didn't have to drag Adam with you. This fellow-" He pointed to Lance with his free hand."Took me to Coran's office so I'm fine." He slowly removed his hand from Shiro's mouth. Shiro sighed.

"So what exactly happened." Adam asked, pushing up his glasses with his finger. I explained what had happened with Lotor (except I didn't use his name) and how Lance came to help me. Shiro looked at Lance, who was still sitting, and looked back at me.

"He's pretty cute." Shiro whispered in my ear. I coughed and felt my face turning red. Coran came back with 2 ice packs, one for my eye and one for the back of my head. Coran held the other ice pack lightly on the back of my head. 

"So what were you doing in the halls when classes were in session?" Coran asked me with a brow raised. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I didn't feel like being berated by the gym teacher." My gym teacher was the hardest on me since he was the most homophobic teacher in this school and I happened to have HIS class. Coran sighed.

"You have a concussion so I suggest you have someone moderate you when you sleep and have them wake you every half hour." Coran said. I nodded and stood up. I looked at Lance.

"Thanks for taking me here." He smiled and nodded. I left Coran's office and went to my locker. The bell was going to ring any minute and I didn't wanna get stuck in the halls when it did. I spun the locker dial and unlocked it grabbing my beat up bag with my sketchbook and art pencils inside, as well as my binder that I barely used since I didn't go to most of my classes. I walked out to Shiro's car and looked inside seeing him and Adam making out in the backseats. I knocked on the window, my head started to hurt and I just wanted to get home. I could see Adam blushing through the window and Shiro got off of him, grinning and opened the door. 

"You guys can suck each others faces off when we get home, I have a major headache." Adam's breathe hitched as he got out of the back seat and his face was a darker red then before.

"K-Keith!" He shouted, straightening his glasses that were tilted in an angle. Shiro just laughed and as I got in the back seat, closing the door. Shiro got in the drivers seat and Adam got in the passengers. Shiro started the car and we left the school parking lot, heading home.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Thanks for reading! I'm really excited for this book and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Question of the day: Favorite century and why.

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