Chapter Fifteen

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I don't know how I managed to fall asleep, but I hadn't slept for over a decade. Vampires did not need sleep, but it was certainly nice.

She was gone when I woke up. I almost laughed at the irony. Then I saw a note on my bedside table next to a vase of flowers.

I hope you slept well. I didn't want to leave but there's something that I must handle today. I hope to see you soon.


P. S. I picked these flowers from the common lands...figured you wouldn't like ones from Cael.

I felt the familiar warmth in my heart as I picked up one of the flowers. I sniffed the blankets and realized that her scent still lingered. The sweet citrus was very calming and I closed my eyes again.



I didn't want to leave. I was furious when Lena had contacted me by flash, saying that Sebastian had demanded to see me and had tried storming into my room. I couldn't risk luring him out here, not when I knew that the only thing he detested more than me was vampires. Although I had promised Lena that I would give this a chance, I had no idea how the royal family would take this news.

When I arrived back in Cael, I immediately noticed that Lena was desperately trying to keep Sebastian out of my room by engaging him in pointless conversation. I had arrived just in time as I saw my brother raise his hand to slap Lena. "Sebastian!"

He immediately whirled around. "How dare you-" His expression changed once he realized that it was me. "Where were you?"

"With Consort Emilia." I lied smoothly.

He crossed his arms and walked over to me. "You've been spending an awful lot of time around that woman, haven't you?"

"Don't refer to her as "that woman"." I hissed. "She is father's consort."

Sebastian rolled his eyes at me. Then, his eyes narrowed and he sniffed the air around me. "You smell odd - spicy. It's not your regular scent."

I gave him a look of disgust. "Excuse me?! You keep tabs on my scent?"

He pursed his lips at me. "It smells familiar. I can't place it."

"That is disgusting." His lip curled at my comment and he leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I know that you've been leaving Cael."

I crossed my arms and stared at him icily. "Interesting accusations. And your proof?" My brother remained silent. "Alright then. If that is all, I will be retiring to my chambers."

"It would be in your best interest to not piss me off. It's a mere matter of time before I find my proof." He sneered at me before storming off.

I glanced at Lena. "Don't tell me he came all this way just to tell me that I smell weird."

Lena silently walked into my room and I followed. She sank to the floor the minute I closed the door. "I was so scared."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm not." She offered me a small smile as I glanced at her in surprise. "You look happier."

"I am." I confirmed. "I know this won't be easy, but the last few weeks have taught me that she's worth it."

"Do all vampires smell the same?" Lena suddenly asked, her happy expression disappearing into a frown.

"No, I don't think so...why?"

Everlasting Series: Princess and the Vampire (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now