Chapter Nine: Knighted

Start from the beginning

(Flashback End)

I smiled at the memory. However, thinking of the punishment i received from mother made me shudder. Even in death she seemed to make a chill run up my spine.

"Colin," My deep voice managed to rasp out. Colin whipped around to see me and smiled.

"Good Evening (Y/N), hope you didn't come here just to brood with me," he said. I smiled.

"Indeed i did not," i confirmed before continuing.

"Colin i don't know how this war is going to play out. I dont know if i will live. You or Blacksmith. Anyone really. We all have a 50/50 chance. So before we do this....i'd like to say i would have not wanted ANYONE more than you to help raise me. I see you as a father. A father that was there and helpful. A father that cared. A father that was patient and understanding but firm as well. I know it might be late but....i would like to name you as Hand of the king."

I held out a golden pin in my hand to the awed man in front of me. Tenderly, he took the pin and clipped it onto his clothing near his heart. His eyes filled with tears and unspoken words. I embraced him into a hug that i never knew i needed from the man.

"Thank you my boy, it's been an honor raising you" he whispered into my ear. Before i can respond a loud voice boomed.


I looked out to see the wildling Tormund Giantsbane with his crew and the nights watch men. I strode up to the group as they reunited with Jon Snow. For whatever reason the mood turned grim.

"What's the matter ? I'm not that ugly am i ?," i joked. However, no one laughed.

"They are coming," Jon murmured. Looking directly into my eyes.

"How long do we have ?," i pressed. Now completely serious.

"Before the sun comes up tomorrow."



Everyone in the room turned to me. We were all making battle plans as the night was now here. Jon and the others all desperately made plans and it made me cringe in shame.

"What do you propose then ?," Jon asked frustrated. I understood his frustration but there was no excuse for this ghastly concept they called a "battle plan." Sansa and Daenerys gave me warning glares while Arya gave me a saucy smirk at my boldness. She's been noticing me alot lately.

"First off, releasing the catapults AS the dothraki are charging in wouldn't be a good idea. What if you hit the dothraki in the process ? What if you fail at the expense of a good portion of your army ? You've lost hundreds of men right there," i speeched. By now i was standing and looking at the battle plans they had drawn out. It looked as if they hoped to charge in. As well as lighting the trenches.

That was about it.

I pinched my nose in pure agony before continuing.

"Not only that but if Bran IS one of the sole reasons the night king walks, we can use that to set up some sort of trap. Put people like Jon, Brienne or ANYONE with superb skills near Bran. No offense Theon but I've been near the Night King. I've fought him. You and ten others won't be enough."

Theon nodded at this while everyone else had raised brows. Of course they didn't think about this. Objections however did overcome.

"No. No way are we going to use Bran as bait. Not my brother," Arya stated.

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