"Oh Ace," Garp said from behind us, so this guys name is Ace.

"Say sorry" Luffy repeated.

"Are you going to say anything or just sitting there like a weirdo?" I asked him, and he still doesn't move or say anything.

"Luffy, Lily this is the one I told you about who is called Ace he is 3 years older than you Luffy and 4 years older than you Lily" Garp explained "You both will be living here with him for now on."

"What no!" the people from earlier shouted and Luffy started growling at Ace but it looked more cute than threatening, Garp then punched Luffy in the head to make him stop.

"Be nice" Garp scolded him.

"Gramps he spat on Luffy though" I defended Luffy.

"Is it decided?!" the fat lady shouted making Garp not answer me but turn to her instead.

"Any problems" Garp glared at them, he scared them so much they stood up straight and saluted at him.

"NO PROBLEM SIR!!" they shouted back trying not to make eye contact with Garp.

"I will be back when I can" Garp told them.

I saw Ace finally jumped off the animal he was sitting on and Luffy kept making angry faces at him but Ace ignored him and walked past him.

"Wait!" Luffy shouted at Ace's back and repositioned his straw hat on to his head, and he then went silent.

Luffy looked at me and grabbed my hand and dragged me with him into the house through the back and it was really dark. We looked around and someone grabbed Luffy and put a knife to his throat.

"Give me your money and I won't kill you!" someone threatened Luffy before Luffy could answer them I punched the guy in the face sending him flying back into all his friends.

"Leave him alone!" I shouted at them annoyed.

The light was switched on lighting up the room "That is Garp's grandson and that girl is a naren" the small guy from earlier explained to them.

"WHY!?" most of them shouted back at him, they shouted other things making a ruckus.

A whole pile of meat was smashed onto the floor "SHUT UP AND EAT!!" the fat lady shouted at them all. They all started throwing themselves at the food I grabbed three pieces of it quite easily because no one really messed with me and once all the food was gone I could see Luffy only had rice, and he looked quite upset.

I walked over to him a gave him a piece of meat he looked at me with tears falling down his face "Thank you, you are a meat god" Luffy says while eating the meat, I'm gonna take that as a compliment. I sat down next to him and ate mine and Lukia ate her one. She has a big appetite for being so small.

"Hey can I have more pops?" he asked the fat lady making me giggle.

"I'M A WOMAN IDIOT! DO YOU BOTH EVEN KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?!" She shouted in our faces sending food flying out of her mouth, gross.

"No" we both answered not really caring about what she is talking.

"I will tell you, this is the den of the Dadan family, we are mountain bandits that rule over all of mt.Covro!" She tried to look scary to us, but she looked more stupid to me than scary.

"I hate bandits" we both groaned.

"Just shut up! If you don't wanna be here then leave! Go die somewhere else!" She yelled even louder.

"I'm still hungry" Luffy whined.

"Sorry I didn't get any more food" I apologize to Luffy.

"No, you gave me food already, but he has way more than us" Luffy pointed at Ace stuffing himself with four pieces of meat. That makes me hungry again and Luffy started to drool.

"This food is from the bison Ace caught, he gives us some of the food so everyone can eat, the mountain bandit world is rough sailing, you will both have to work very hard from now on!" Dadan started to eat some more meat in front of us smirking.

"You both will have to clean, do laundry, polish shoes, burglary, robbery and murder! You both can't tell Garp what we make you do!" Dadan threatened us.

"You only have a bowl of rice and a glass of water a day! You will need to grow up quickly!" She smirked probably thinking she is gonna make us cry.

"Okay," Luffy answered her.

"I'm fine with that" I simply said, she then turned sideways and smashed her head on to the floor.

"Shouldn't you both be crying?!" she freaked out on us.

"Grandpa threw me into a jungle once and there was water to drink, I ate snakes, frogs and mushrooms that I found there" Luffy explained.

"I have been forced to learn what I can eat and how to survive in a jungle" Akira taught me this because she always said anything could happen, so I guess she was right.

"I will be a pirate someday, so I have to be strong," Luffy said with a determined look.

Dadan got stuck in the floor, and they had to pull her out, I saw Ace moving in the corner of my eye, so I got up and followed after him. He closed the door in my face making me pout, I pushed the door open and Luffy appeared beside me, he must be curious about Ace as well.

"Hey!" Luffy yelled at him.

Ace was already ahead of us, and we had to start running to keep up with him, but we weren't that fast because of our tiny legs. Ace was on top of a hill and turned around and looked at us.

"Where are you going?" I shouted up to him.

"I'm Luffy this is Lily, I'm not mad at you anymore, can we be friends?" Luffy asked with a huge grin on his face.

Ace looked angry, and he kicked a tree making it fall down and it started rolling at us. We ran the opposite direction, and we were reaching a dead end, so I grabbed Luffy's hand and used all the strength in my legs to launch us to the side, and we just barely dodged it.

I landed on my back and sighed in relief. Luffy just smiled at me and helped me up off the ground, yeah I think this guy Ace has some anger issues.

We ran the way Ace went, and we saw him on a bridge we made it a quarter of the way on to the bridge. We then stopped to catch our breath and Ace turned around shocked to see us.

Ace then frowned and started walking to us, he didn't seem to have good intentions, and he then whacked Luffy off the bridge with his pipe.

"AHHH!!" Luffy screamed I jumped off the bridge towards Luffy.

"LUFFY!!!" I shouted as we fell down deeper into the ravine.

My Idiot // Luffy x ocWhere stories live. Discover now