×Chapter 5×

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The picture above is how I invision Cookie. Ain't she a cutie?💕


Friday finally arrived and saying that I was glad was an understatement. We finished work three hours earlier than usual and I could hear the weekend whispering my name. I had just saved the document that I was working on and leaned back into my chair with a relieved sigh. Closing my eyes, I ran my hand over my face and allowed relaxation to take over my entire being.

"Don't you dare drop dead on me." I opened my eyes to see Luis walking towards me with a playful smile on her face. She had a black handbag and a few documents with her so, she must've been done with her work for the day.

I smiled at her. "Don't worry. I still have a long life ahead of me."

She sat at the edge of my desk. "Guess what I heard?"


"It's about Saturday," she said as she gave me a stern look and the smile that graced her features was suddenly out of sight.

I sat upright. "I just tripped. You know how clumsy I get sometimes."

Her jaw dropped. "Seriously? You're not honest at all. Kendra, the new newspaper and coffee girl, told me all about it. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Y-you'd make it a big deal," I reasoned. With Luis slightly tipsy that night, she might have thrown some punches.

"A big deal? Of course it's a big deal! You can't just let her walk all over you like that." She began to rub her temples. "I wish that I could swear right now but due to company regulations, I'll be a good girl."

"I'm sorry, Luis. I already dealt with it and I'm okay now. At least people aren't saying much about it."

"That should be the least of your worries. Actually, don't even worry about what people are saying. Worry about the source." She ran a hand through her hair and groaned. "If only Tony hadn't dragged me out for a smoke. I would've kicked her ass! Fucking Sophia!"

"Language," I warned. 

"You need to take care of yourself more." She smiled softly before saying, "It's good that we're hanging out today. We've gotten so busy these days that we rarely hang out as much as we used to."

My mood brightened and I switched off my computer before starting to gather my stuff. "Sure, let me pack up."

Before I could stand up, Michael came out of his office with his stuff and asked, "I'll be leaving now, Alex. Are you coming?"

"Uhm...  Luis and I have plans today. Sorry," I answered apologetically.

He looked at Luis and she stared at him in response. Seeing that their exchange was going nowhere, I smacked her lower back lightly.

"H-hello, Mr. Clarkson!" Luis stammered, her voice too high and I was beyond shocked.

Wait! Back it up.

Luis stammered!?

I looked out the window. Were pigs flying too?

"Hello," he greeted back flatly then looked at me. "Have a good night then." 

I turned my gaze to him and nodded. "You too, sir."

"Holy fuck. That man looks like he just crawled out of a wet dream!" Luis exclaimed after he left.

I sighed in relief. "Thank goodness. For a moment there I almost thought that our roles had been reversed."

"By the way, what did he mean by 'are you coming'?" She asked, her voice still too high as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at me.

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