×Chapter 2×

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"What!?" Luis exclaimed in surprise. "The boss has a son?"

"Seems like it," I answered as I took a warm fry into my mouth, observing the overexcited specimen seated across from me.

"Judging from how hot the boss looked in the old company pictures, I bet that he's a major hottie as well."

I laughed. "Is that seriously all you care about?"

"What else should I care about?" She asked, confused.

I hummed. "What if he's not a good boss? How is his temper?"

"Girl, thats none of my business. Besides, anybody having you as a Personal Assistant - bad temperament and all - would instantly have their heart softened."

I smiled in amusement at that and leaned back into my chair. "And what makes you so sure about that?"

"You just have that kind of affect on people."

It was probably just pity. "Anyway, we'll have a new boss next week, Luis. So what if he is a greek god?"

Her eyes widened in surprise. "So what? I can kill to be you."

"Being me is not fun," I assured and she responded with a glare. 

"You'll be his P.A, girl. I can't wait! I'll be stopping by regularly."

"Enough boy talk, I'm starting to feel left out," Antonio intruded as he sat next to Luis. He was currently sipping out of a juice box so, I figured that he was from the vending machine.

"Right on time, Tony. Let's help our childhood best friend set up a party," Luis said while giving his shoulder a light pat.

"A party for whom?" He looked at me and signed what he said.

Tony and I met at a hospital when we were kids. He also had hearing problems but his got sorted out since it wasn't as severe. Differently from Luis, Tony wasn't a loud speaker and he signed as he talked when he was with me or when I was in the conversation, just in case I didn't catch up.

"Michael," I answered. "The boss' son." 

"Boring," he groaned. "Don't tell me that we have to be dressed formally."

I shook my head. "It's just a small celebration. No worries." 

"The news has spread throughout the building like a wild fire," Luis said, not bothering to swallow the seasoned chicken and fries in her mouth, "everyone's talking about it." 

"Ew," Tony said as his nose crinkled in disgust. "One more sentence and you'll be swallowing your tongue along with the chicken."

I laughed. "Don't count your chicks before they hatch, Luis. You'll find that the famous unknown Michael is an unattractive, grumpy man. After all, we are just bombarding him with our expectations."

"Don't rain on my parade, Alex," Luis said with a stubborn pout as she pointed a fry at me. "Allow me to dream, okay?"

I rose my hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I'm almost done with the preparations though."

"What shall I wear?" She mumbled thoughtfully. "You're attending, right?"

"I don't want to," I refused.

"You never show up to the parties you organize and I've been wondering why," Tony commented. 

"She's scared of bumping into Sofia Blake," Luis scoffed.

"Sofia? The sexy brunette with the big tits?"

I groaned. "Please, let's not include her tits in this conversation."

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