Chapter 12

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Corey arrived at his destination in the early evening and was eager to get to the hotel and get some work done to clear up the evening for a late dinner on the town, a club or two, to meet up with some local friends, and maybe make a new one.

He rushed out of the airport heading straight for the taxi stand when his calendar reminders started to come in on his smartphone. He had to make a few bookings for a couple of clients who were in Asia on business and then make his routine confirmations for some bookings he had already taken care of. He noticed that Jake was flying out the next morning to Paris from Zurich, so he reset his reminders so that he could take care of things in the comfort of his hotel room.

    He quickly entered the cab, settled in and texted a couple of friends he knew in town to see what they were up to tonight. He knew it was short notice but these guys were always up to going out. Especially when Corey's expense account covered the bill.

   Hey guys. In town for the night. Can't stay out too late but what about dinner and drinks?

    He sat back and looked out the window watching the snow come down slowly, covering the streets in a light dusting, as cars brushed it away as they drove through it. The chimneys along the rooftops with white smoke billowing into the sky reminded him of how he loved staying at a quaint cabin in the mountains nearby where he would usually have a warm fire going all night. He loved staying at the cabin whenever he was in town but there was no time for it on this trip, he would be in and out, so he booked a room in town at a luxury hotel. That would make up for it.

    Corey walked through the hotel doors and was happy to see the familiar lobby in all its grandeur. The large chandeliers and majestic wood walls with large frames of historical paintings and landscapes. The beautiful tall windows draped in expensive long royal red curtains with gold trimming. And the royal red carpets leading the way to the front desk and elevators. There at the VIP desk was one of the hotel agents working on the computer when he saw a figure approaching.

    "Ah Mr. Cooper. We were expecting you. And short notice I heard."

    "Hello Ludo. Nice to see you again. Yes, a last minute trip. Luckily your boss was able to squeeze me in with such short notice."

    "Ah but of course Mr. Cooper. You are one of our most important clients. There is always a room for you. And from the looks of it, a very nice one. He set aside the room you requested. Here is your key. Will there be anything else?"

    "That's all for now Ludo. Thank you. Have a good evening"

    With that Corey rushed to get into the the open elevator and waste no time getting to his room. He entered the room he requested and there saw a bottle of wine and a plate of cheese and crackers waiting for him with a note from the General Manager.

    Welcome back Mr. Cooper. It is always a pleasure to have you stay with us. Please enjoy the small gift with my compliments. I believe I picked out the right wine? Best Regards, Jean-Marc.

    It was like this everywhere he went. Corey sent a lot of business their way. And it was good business. Repeat clients with money or very generous expense accounts that most of the time Corey had decision making power on. So if they treated him well while he was staying with them then they could rely on more business from Corey. And they made sure of it. From any request he had, to spoiling him with surprises like his favourite Spanish red wine that was already open and breathing.

    He took off his coat, put his carry-on on the luggage stand and his messenger type leather bag on the desk. He grabbed the wine bottle, looked at the label with a smile and poured himself a glass.

    "Ah what a welcome site my old friend" he said to himself as he sniffed the wine. He knew it would be good. They made sure of that by opening it and having a sommelier test it before leaving it there for him to enjoy.

    He looked around the room to make sure it was what he requested and turned on the TV to the international news channel, sat down and powered on his tablet. He would go through all of his clients' emails and respond to those first. There wouldn't be many since he usually responded right away when they came in, and would only be expecting to see any that came through since he landed. As soon as he was done with the client emails, he made the usual requests for upgrades, flight changes, hotel confirmations and limo arrangements. Everyone was now taken care of that needed something from Corey.

    Now that that was done, he turned his attention to the one person he didn't hear from in a while. Jake. He pulled up his file, looked up the hotel and room he checked into and smiled. "Perfect" he smiled to himself. He then looked up the travel information for Jake's next trip, logged into the airline system and made sure the business class reservation was in order. No first class on the flight so no changes were needed. It was only a short flight anyway that would only last a little over an hour. He looked at the hotel reservations, called his contact and made a few changes to the room and then contacted the drivers at both locations to make sure they got him to the airport in Zurich and picked him up in Paris.

    With all that done, he grabbed his wine and cheese platter and sat up in bed to watch some news. He pulled out his personal smartphone and saw that he had a couple of missed  texts from the guys in town.

    "Wunderbar Corey. I will make myself available for you. Let me know where and at what time and I'll be there."  Was from Andre and,

    "What a fantastic surprise. Me too! When and where?" Texted Gustav.

    Corey was thrilled. He needed to blow off some steam and who better than Gustav and Andre. Two of the best party goers he knew. With a excited smile on his face he texted them back.

    "Hired a car for the night so just be ready for 9. Will pick you up."

    He looked at the time and realized that he had time to spare so he grabbed the wine bottle and glass and headed to the bathroom, switched on the television above the large jacuzzi bathtub, poured bubble bath soap in the tub and turned the taps on. He would soak for a while and then get ready for a night on the town.

    That night he would go out with his friends for a gourmet meal, but without spending too much of their time in the restaurant. No, the plan was to eat well so that he could drink enough without getting drunk and let loose at the night club where they would spend the majority of their time together. He would have his usual VIP section reserved where they would be pampered by the staff, have the best view of the dance floor and get a little taste of some locals. After the club they would go for a drive before heading back to the hotel for the night. He just hoped he wouldn't be coming back alone

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