The Show: Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

“Nikki wait!!”

A deep, Spanish accented voice said. I groaned internally and walked back to Lorenzo on the right side of the runway.I walked slowly to the neatly organized rows of chairs. Lorenzo looked up from his clipboard when my footsteps became closer to where he was sitting.

He said with boredom,


I silently obeyed and sat down dropping my bag beside my feet. I play with my fingers and look down like a student getting in trouble with their principal.He wrote a few more things before he put his clipboard on his lap. I squiremed in my seat waiting as his dark eyes stared into mine. Lorenzo coughed and said to me, grabbing my shoulders,

“Look Nikki, you’re an excellent model, hell you are one of the best in the business.”

I suddenly had the urge to cry but I fought the tears, can you tell I’m not good in these kinds of situations? As a child I was never one to talk to adults because I always thought I would get in trouble.

I said with a shaky voice,

“Are you replacing me with Jesse?”

Lorenzo face filled with surprise and instantly shot the question down,

“Heavens no darling! Jesse is a good model as well but she can’t catwalk to save her life, after a while I’ve stopped yelling at her mistakes seeing as they don’t make a difference.”

I raise my eyebrows quizzically,

“So why do you need me right now?”

“I just wanted to say sometimes your attitude is out of conduct, is there any reason for that?”

He asked.

My heart raced and my mind Jacob’s face flashed through it. Memories filled my brain from happy times to the day I caught him sucking face with Sasha. I clenched my teeth and ignored his smiling face in my mind as I answered,

“No, just an off day.”

He nodded his head not prying into my business. He waved a dismissive hand, and said,

“Goodbye Nikki. Your manager has already excused you from next practice but I expect you to be here the practice afterwards. Go home get rest, next time I’ll see you, you’ll be wearing the million dollar set.”

I smiled and thanked Lorenzo. Now why would Lauren dismiss me from the next practice? She hasn’t called lately and I knew something was wrong but I pushed it the back of my head, Lauren would most likely call me today anyway. She never goes without calling three days in a row, by the fourth day she cracks.

I made my way past beginner models giggling and pointing whispering my name, I waved and smiled in their direction. I’ve come a long way; I remember when that used to be me at a fashion show or photo shoot and that was roughly only 3 and a half years ago. Jeez how time flies. One thing I did miss was the privacy as a lower level model for Victoria’s Secret. I didn’t get recognized everywhere and I could even get ice cream without being called the fattest model there. Hollywood honestly does change a person, don’t get me wrong I love my life but sometimes late at night I wonder what I would be doing instead of modeling if Alexis hadn’t pushed me to follow my dream.

            I sigh and pull on my shades as I get ready to endure another paparazzi attack and honestly I wasn’t in the mood but it wasn’t going to let them make a good headline. “Nikki Carson catwalks straight into a photographer and claws his face.” I smiled to myself for thinking that, I was seriously very funny.

Almost instantly I was bombarded with questions,

“Nikki what happened with Jacob Mason?”

“Nikki how’s rehearsal?”

“Nikki when are we going to get an interview?!”

“Nikki are you sad this might be your last year as head angel?!”

“Nikki, hear me out, I love you!!!”

The last statement shocked me and I stopped in my tracks. The voice sounded familiar and I was scared to look around in fear that I might actually see Jacob’s face. His eyes connected with mine and pulled me by his side. I squirmed and shouted but the more I moved and yelled the more camera bulbs flashed. I stopped seeing how useless it was against his strong grasp and I looked him dead in the eyes and said,

“Let me the hell go Jacob Mason or so help me God I will spit in your face and kick you in the balls.”

My eyes squinted out of anger. He smiled and said,

“Nothing can be worse than what I am about to do.”

With that his lips crushed onto mine. Paparazzi shouted and the camera’s seemed to get brighter, Jacob snaked his arms away from my waist to holding my face in place. I took the opportunity to bite his lip and when he finally removed his disgusting mouth off of mine I did exactly what I told him. I kicked square in the slip of his dark washed blue jeans.

“Nikki did you guys just break up?!”

“Jake what’d you do wrong?!”

“Nikki schedule an interview with us!!”

This time I didn't care about any headlines as I shoved angrily a camera to the floor and heard it shatter and break. I walked through the pieces and flipped off any camera man who ared to ask me any questions. I walked in anger to my car and started the engine and slumpep down in my seat. Lauren was going to give me hell after today. And as if right on que, my phone started ringing. I lifted my phone and sure enough the caller i.d. said,



***Author's Note***

How do you think of this chapter? love? like? anything you see that needs to be corrected?

comment below :) and vote please!!

and song on the side that has nothing to do with chapter but I like listening to it 24/7 soo

check it out :) Fall by Justin Bieber 

The Show ( book 2) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora