The Show: Chapter 6

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Wow..its been forever since I've been on here. I'm sorry XD I'll be here more often after I finish my research papers 



***Nikki's P.O.V.***

After signing a few autographs and taking a few pictures with fans, I headed into the tunnel that lead into the plane. I was greeted by the co-pilot and a flight attendant. I smiled warmly and checkout my ticket to see which seat I'd sit in. I laughed to myself. I had the entire first class seats to choose from. I sat down in a center chair closest to the door. As people began to file in, I pulled out a hat and hid part of my face. Being recognized on a plane, is the worst because you're stuck with them for who knows how long. I took out my ticket again and checked, this flight was a little under 5 hours. I better start getting comfortable. I pulled out a few tabloids just to humor myself.

I sighed in the plane, my head relaxing against the head rest. I bought out the entire first class so there wasn't anyone to bother me. It sounds really inconsiderate and whatnot but lately I've been doing things for everyone else but not for myself. I shut off my iPhone and have no intentions of turning it back on anytime soon. I would only be gone a day or two but for a celebrity, away from hectic paparazzi life and things like that was so relaxing and it was nice to take a breather.

A flight attendant with fiery hair and green eyes came up to me and said in a hushed tone,

"Excuse me, Miss. Carson, not to disturb you, but can I get you anything? A pillow or blanket, possibly?"

I smiled and shook my head "no". 

I pulled out my iPod and put One Direction's new song, "They Don't Know About Us" on reply and put the iPod in my lap. I hummed along for awhile before deciding that I was pretty tired. I moved around in the chair and sighed irritably. I pushed the button on the ceiling for the flight attendant. The same flight attendant came with her cherry-red hair fraying out of her bun. She smiled largely and said,

"You  pushed the button? May I help you in anyway?"

I grinned and said,

"Yeah, actually can you get me some coke and how do you recline this chair again?"

She replied,

"Would you like me to give you the coke first or demonstrate how to recline the chair? Your call, Miss. Carson."

I paused for a few seconds,thinking, and said,

"Get the coke first. Thanks."

She nodded and was literally back with my coke in thirty seconds. I knew I was famous but I wasn't that bitch-y where I'd yell if I didn't get my stuff in under 5 minutes. Well depending on the day and if I was in a bad mood or not. She placed the coke down and continued to show me how to recline the chair. She promptly left and I was once again alone.

I finished off my coke,played a few games on my iPod and got comfortable laying in a blanket. I sighed, relaxed back into the chair and closed my eyes, falling asleep. waiting for the plane to arrive to its destination.


***Lauren's P.O.V.***

I steamed into my office. I just found out that the little brat left the state with rehearsals coming up  and the actual show not to far away.

I slammed my fist on my desk angrily, how the fuck dare she. I'm her manager. She can't fire me or whatever the hell she meant. I created her, I made her famous. Does she really think she can make it in this kind of business without me? She's insane. There had to be some way for her to "take me back", Nikki has gone off the deep end. She's a goldfish trying to swim with sharks. She won't survive. I have no idea how I'm going to get her back on my team.


My boss, Rachel yelled out my name. I cringed at my desk. I took off my designer shades and stalked towards my bosses office.

I entered slowly. I poked my head and Rachel growled,

"Get in here, you have explaining to do."

She threw a magazine cover at me. I caught it with ease before it hit the ground. I gacked at the front cover. Damn that girl moved fast and how the hell did the press even know she was leaving? I found out a few hours by her stupid little friend, Alexis. 

The cover read


They plastered a picture of Nikki appearing to be yelling at a guy at the plane ticket desk. She only had a carry on bag and she was dressed in work out like clothes. On the corner of the magazine they said that Nikki had taken drugs and was leaving America and who knows what else. Obviously the only thing true in the picture was that Nikki was leaving on a plane,  anyone who knew Nikki personally knew she would never do drugs. She excelled in being a role- model for younger girls except for the occasional attitude every now and then,

"Damn you Nikki."

I cursed under my breath. Luckily for me Rachel didn't hear me. I sat down in one of her chairs on the opposite side of her desk, so now we were sitting face to face.

Rachel crossed her arms and told me,her voice straining to control itself,

"You let Nikki just jet off anywhere she likes? Do you know what this makes you look like? How this makes the company look like?"

I pursed my lips angrily and argued,

"Nikki 'fired' me. I don't have any control over her anymore. Frankly I could care less, but I know what I have to do to get her back with the company and make her career sky rocket and then retire. She's still has that little girl in her that doesn't want to give up her modeling career just yet. It's understandable. Besides, I know Nikki's work ethic. She'll be back by tomorrow night."

Rachel leaned forward, making my cower slightly in my chair. Rachel was a small, carmel colored woman but she she just how to make you feel extremely scared in like every situation. She just had this "boss-like" aurora surround her. She was also very rich because she took control. 

Rachel said, looking directly into my eyes,

"You will get everything under control. You will get Nikki back into this company and you will make up for your reckless behavior as a manager. Personal feelings don't matter when you're dealing with people like them. They think they're different, let them think that. They think they're more important, let them think that. Just because Nikki got on your nerves once or twice doesn't mean anything. Get over yourself Lauren, alright? You'll get on this tonight. I want you where ever Nikki is tonight. Pack your bags."

I stammered in question,

"Where's Nikki headed?"

Rachel's nose flared and her brown eyes seemed to get darker when she said,

"Figure it out Lauren. Just because I'm your boss doesn't mean I'm going to spoon-feed you the answers. Get on it, I bet you already half of LA's paparazzi are already on a plane."

I suppressed an angry sigh and smirked on my way out, quietly "thanking" Rachel. I stormed out of the office and grabbed my purse.

I took out my phone and dialed on my phone Jake's number. He picked up at the second ring,

"Hello? Nikki I'm so-"

I cut off his apology and said,

"Jacob, if you really wanna show how sorry you are, meet me at LAX in twenty minutes. Looks like we're going to Atlanta, Georgia tonight. It's a five hour flight and we won't be staying long, just a day so pack a carry on with a minimal as possible. Tell your driver to go ahead and drive to the plan you don't need to go through security and stuff."

I hung up without even waiting for him to answer me back. I knew he'd come. any chance to get back with Nikki and he was on it. Now just figure out what in the hell Nikki was doing in Atlanta was also another part of my journey I'd figure out. Hopefully on this flight I'll be able to figure out what to say to her, how to reason with to come back to the company, how to not piss her off because I brought Jacob Mason with me. 

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