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"Hello you reached the voice mail box of....."

I hang up the phone angrily and stood in the street looking like an idiot who was trying to kill her phone.

I sighed in complete frustration, recieving wierd looks, as Jacob wouldn't answer for the tenth time. He had kidnapped my dog and I was more than angry with his sorry behind. I gave up looking on foot as more people started to recognize me and ask for autographs. Not that I was complaining about the fame because as a young teenager I would love to meet my favorite celebrity and all that so I totally understand but today it wasn't helping the situation at all.

I pulled back on my shades and walked at a normal pace back into Starbucks and sat down for the coffee that was long awaited. I took out my phone and wrote and tweeted and facebooked everyone I knew to be on the lookout for Rosalie. I waved over a waiter and she came with a smile and asked,

"Hey,are you Nikki Carson? Like the famous model?"

Her brown hair was tied back into a fishtail braid and her green eyes light up waiting for my answer. I smiled shyly and answered back with a bright smile,

"Yes I am and I'm sorry but I'm not in that great of a mood right now."

I looked up to see her smile waver slighty but I gave her an understanding kind of smile and continued, " Can I have a cookie crumble?"

A braid moved out of the way of her name tag, it read Eve. I smiled when Eve replied,

"Yes, is there anything I can get you?"

She smiled brightly and I shook my head no. I grabbed my phone and waited for Eve to get my drink but she didn't leave. Eve stood there starstruck smiling at me sorta creepily and her breathing got alittle bit heavier and louder. I was getting sorta creeped out. I looked up at Eve slowly and asked,

"Um...Is there anything you need?"

Eve said slowly taking deep breaths inbetween each word like she was having a heart attack,

"Can...I....have...your....your...your...autograph please?"

I smiled and sighed heavily, like you know those kind of sighs where you don't want to agree but you have to, to make other people happy. I held my hand out for her to hand me something. Eve, with her sweaty might I add, handed me a half-drenched paper to sign. I signed half-heartidly and sorta shoved it in her face. I knew I was being sorta rude but I was in a bad mood, I mean she could've at least waited till after I got my coffee.

Eve returned  with cookie crumble(which is actually very good!!) and smiled gratefully.

My phone ringed and dropped my drink and answered on the second ring.

A deep voice answered saying,

"Rosalie will come to no harm but you must continue to date Jacob Mason for the next months until after your VSFS( victoria secret fashion show) and then she will be delivered to you at your penthouse."

I hung more frustrated than ever. Boy this man was going to recieve hell for this.


END OF BOOK ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Modeling Crisis now has a FB page..mostly updates are about The Show but i'm willing to answer any questions about MC for those still reading !!!




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