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ʻʻALICE,ʼʼ Lucas says to me once the school day has finished. He shuffles beside me down the hall, hands digging into his pockets.

I look up at him. ʻʻYeah?ʼʼ

ʻʻSo, um, do you...um...wanna, um, hang out tonight?ʼʼ He stammers out meekly, threading a large hand through his platinum blonde hair. Heʼs actually natural brunette, but refuses to accept it.

ʻʻHow many ums was that?ʼʼ I question which provokes an awkward blush and laugh from Luke.

ʻʻI actually have this, um, art project due Monday, and, um, Iʼm not very artistic. But...um...you are. Maybe you could help me with that...?ʼʼ

I nod and halt at my locker. I spin the combination and pull out my things.

ʻʻSo...yeah?ʼʼ He asks.

I shrug. ʻʻYeah, sure.ʼʼ

ʻʻCool! So, um...see you tonight!ʼʼ He chirps. As he turns he runs in with a tall black T-shirted body.

ʻʻSorry, mate,ʼʼ Harry smirks down at him, which instantly has Lucas scrambling off without even uttering another word. I quirk my eyebrow after him. That was weird.

ʻʻGod, what a douche.ʼʼ Harry rolls his eyes and chuckles a bit.

ʻʻL-Luke?ʼʼ I inquire sheepishly and he shakes his head.


I decide to stare solidly at the floor, just standing here not really able to form conversation. I have always been inconveniently shy and incapable of making and keeping friends. I have never known why.

Harry arches his dark eyebrows at me. ʻʻDo you not know of the concept of sarcasm? Yes, Luke.ʼʼ

ʻʻSorry, I didnʼt think you were being sarcastic.ʼʼ I comment innocently without even noticing the way I portrayed it.

He laughs a little. ʻʻYou think Iʼm a douche?ʼʼ

ʻʻYour words. Not mine.ʼʼ I murmur and sidestep around him. I start trekking down the hallway flooded with hormonal teenagers making out literally everywhere. Before I can even reach the school doors Styles is trailing behind me. Iʼm almost tempted to tell him screw off and let me walk in peace, but really. I can barely say hi to him.

ʻʻSo, where you heading to, love?ʼʼ Harryʼs rich accent finds itʼs way into my ears.

I pretend I donʼt hear him.

ʻʻI have a feeling I know where,ʼʼ he continues.

I highly doubt it.

ʻʻYou know Iʼm surprised they let a little girl like you into a big girl casino. Even for a hundred bucks.ʼʼ

I stop.

He stops behind me.

Without hesitation I swiftly pivot and grip his black sleeve tugging him down an empty hall. I throw open the door to Emmaʼs abandoned classroom and shove him inside. He complies and for some odd reason I donʼt think I need to use force to have him in a classroom alone with me.

I shut the door and glare at him. Heʼs the first to think. ʻʻAre you gonna kidnap me?ʼʼ

ʻʻHow did you know about the casーʼʼ

ʻʻAlice. Go somewhere with me tonight.ʼʼ He suddenly demands, taking a step towards me. The lights are off in the room with only the rays of sunlight streaming in through the four windows. He looks eerie and scary as he moves towards me with that grin on his face.

ʻʻW-what?ʼʼ I move backwards.

ʻʻCome with me somewhere and I wonʼt tell anyone about it. About your gambling, superstitious brother. About you being his Lucky Coin. How you pay off the bouncer to get inside a casino. How you smoke like itʼs illegal not to.ʼʼ

I freeze and hold his stare. ʻʻHow? How could you possibly know all this?ʼʼ

ʻʻI have my ways.ʼʼ

ʻʻI canʼt go with you tonight.ʼʼ I decide with a brief moment of courage.

ʻʻLucas can come with us too.ʼʼ Harry evades.


ʻʻActually, Iʼd prefer it that way.ʼʼ He announces and takes one of my hands. His fingers are rough and callused. His knuckles are bruised.

ʻʻWhat are you doing?ʼʼ

ʻʻBring Puke and meet me at this destination.ʼʼ He says while slithering a small piece of paper into my hands. I want to scold him for referring to Luke as Puke, but I am incapable once again.

ʻʻWho are you?ʼʼ I ask after a fleeting pause.

He smiles. ʻʻJust your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.ʼʼ then he turns and stalks away.

I unfold my fingers slowly, revealing a crumbled up note. I gaze down at it and sigh deeply.

What the hell do I do?

Lol I am back.

Sorry for the long updates and this sucky story. It probably will get better hopefully.


Stay fabulous.

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