Kokichi walked out of his room to see where Saihara was. He didn't want to think he didn't have anything planned for him. That was hope. He should of learned a long time ago, that hoping does nothing. "Hey Saihara-chan!" He smiled as he greeted him. Saihara had his computer open at the kitchen table. "Hey Ouma. Do you mind if I start asking things now...? I don't want to ask anything you aren't okay with answering..."

Kokichi blinked. He looked into Saihara's eyes to see if he was joking. No... he was serious. He was genuinely asking him for an opinion. He wanted to be aware of comfort zones. As if this was an actual real-life relationship. He almost laughed. Comfort zone? That was broken a long time ago. Back when he was thrown into that building at 15. A year of being told how to please people. 

"Here. Put this on." They said. They handed him just one oversized shirt, that was it. "Just this?" His young self asked. "Yeah, now get into it." Of course, first time for everything, that statement baffled his younger mind. "In front of you?" He still remembers their laughs. "You're going to be stripping a lot more than this one time. Get used to it. Now put it on."

That was it. Comfort zone violated. However, Saihara here was trying to detect it again. "You okay?" He heard his voice ask. Kokichi shook his head to snap out of it. Was he staring off into space again? This was unlike him to get so offtrack. "Sure! Ask away my dear Saihara-chan!"

Kokichi hopped into one of the seats next to Saihara. "You don't have to answer things if you don't want to...  I'll take it as a no, which is okay." Saihara gently smiled at him. One of those safe feelings was shining through those soft eyes. Kokichi took all his will power to not let himself blush. "Hey! If you ask stuff... can I ask stuff?" He was testing his waters. Under no circumstance was he allowed to ask or request things. Rag doll. He was a rag doll until the time limit exceeded. Well... he could ask things. When he needed to. Like getting up to use the bathroom after being down for a long time. He dreads the day they actually deny that one.

"Sure, that seems fair." Saihara agreed. "I know I could ask this on the internet, but I really wanted to get to know someone who is in there... So did you join on your own free will?"

Okay. Right to the touchy spots. "Most of us do, rarely you have people forced into it. It cost money to offer up a candidate. Unless that person is pretty. Then the person giving them up gets money. For me..." Damn it. He isn't supposed to lie. He's lied in the past before... so why was it so hard now? He had to please him... Kokichi took a small breath. "For me, I was offered to the place and bought from my father."

He mentally cringed at himself. Truth felt so awful on his tongue. Saihara wouldn't believe that sob story anyway. It was his turn to ask something. "My turn! So, Saihara, why did you pick me?" He watched Saihara flush at the question. "...Well... if you were honest, I should be too... I picked you because you looked the nicest and looked..."

And looked? "...cute." Saihara whispered it so quietly that Kokichi actually might not of heard it. He did. He really said Kokichi was cute. This hot guy had actually said he was cute. He was worried if the shock shown on his face, but Saihara was much more far gone. His cheeks were already red. "I-I didn't want you f-for that reason exactly! It was also your profile picture and I kinda felt bad.... B-But I promise I only got you for questions!"

Kokichi chuckled. "Hey, calm down! I wasn't totally thinking you were gonna abuse this cute face of mine!" Saihara blushed but shook it off. "Do you want to be here?" He completely stole the mood and was pushing his honesty button again. Kokichi hummed as he thought on his answer. "...Well, at first? No way. But now that I see you see me as human... maybe I'd reconsider..."

Saihara nodded with a slight smile of relief. He seems like the kind who wouldn't want to hold people at their house against their will. "Why are you so nice?" Kokichi asked flat out. He normally doesn't trust nice. It means they have some ulterior motive. Saihara looked confused. "Do...Do people not treat you kindly?"

Kokichi shrugged. "Eh, I'm not really considered. That's the whole thing about being in this job. Now answer my question, because you wasted yours." He bit his lip. He just ordered him to do something. Saihara was undoubtedly aware of the rules Kokichi had to follow. He could call them right now, and teach him another lesson- "...Because I think you deserve to be treated as a person. I think it's inhuman to treat you like a doll."

For the one time he actually was willing to do what someone told him to, they don't order him around. "So... for this week, what am I gonna do if I'm going to be treated like a person? I don't really..." He didn't really know what to do if he wasn't... you know. "You can hang out with me. I... I was maybe hoping we could be friends in a sense. Just for this week. Do.. Do you get paid for this job? You do, right?"

Kokichi let the laugh slip past his lips. "You're funny! Me? Get paid for sleeping around? I'm not entirely a prostitute. They get money! Think of me more like... property. The only payment I get is in a place to sleep and food to eat."

Saihara frowned. "I won't think of you like that. You aren't my property. I know I bought you, but you are your own person. Not...property." He said the last word as if it was a disgusting thing to even say. "So what would you like me to do?" Kokichi asked as he propped his elbow up on the table and chin in his palm.

"...I want you to be you. Like... The Ouma Kokichi before you were sold."

Kokichi took that to heart. He hated how good those made him feel. Light and airy, that amazing feeling you get when someone seems like they care about you. "Why?" Another rule broken. He questioned an order. "Because I want to see the real you... I have a strong belief that true beauty doesn't have to be shown...in bed. More so... in their real personality."

For the first time, Kokichi let himself allow the color to fill his cheeks. He hated it. This feeling wasn't allowed. He was supposed to wear his heart on his sleeve. Never get attached. Never ever. "So... I'm your... friend." It felt so weird to say. He's never had a friend before. Maybe for a day, but not a whole week.

"Yes, and I'm your friend too. So this isn't a one sided thing."

Kokichi looked into the others eyes. Those golden hues shown exhaustion. Like something was worrying him. "Okay... so as your friend... can I make you more relaxed? More less tense? I wasn't lying about that before. I really can make you feel better." He got up and pulled Saihara off the chair and led him onto the couch in the living room. "Here, sit down, I know just the thing!"

In a sense, this was Kokichi saying thank you. For giving him such a wonderful feeling. Saihara looked at him questionably, but didn't ask it. Kokichi crawled behind him. "I noticed your shoulders look all hunched up, and you've been rubbing your neck like it bothered you. Someone must be sleeping in a bad position!"

Saihara nodded as if to confirm that. "And what are you going to do...?" Kokichi snickered at his weariness. "Don't worry. Many people say I've got the magic touch- um. Take that as you will." He nervously chuckled, but placed his hands on Saihara's shoulders.

Kokichi moved his fingers in a circular pattern over Saihara's pressure points. He loosened the muscles around the others shoulder blades. He saw immediate results. Saihara sighed contently and his shoulders dropped. He probably didn't even know he was doing that. He slowly worked up his neck. He kneaded at the tight muscle at the base of the others scalpe. He couldn't help but think over how soft Saihara's skin was.

He stopped himself before his hands slid unconsciously down the others front. He was too good at reading what other people enjoyed. His mind was ordering a tall glass of flirtatious cuddling. He shook away the thought. Typically, he would slid his hands down over the others chest and kiss the back of their neck. He did it without pleasure. But... This time he actually wanted to. 

He took away his hands, much to the others dismay. Kokichi giggled, "Feel better?" Saihara dumbly nodded. "Yeah actually... How did you do that..." The other rubbed their neck as if to test it out. "Little trick I picked up!" He said proudly. He wasn't one to boast while on the job...

...but this client actually made him smile.

Author note:

My planning was to have POV keep switching. So sorry if there was confusion! Updates might be far apart, or close depending how much people want the next part. Have a great day nonetheless! 

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