Chapter 3, Part 2! [Wednesday~ (Kenlos + Logan)]

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Hiya guys~! 

I know I haven't been writing much, that's because I've started school. well, I started last week Tuesday, and I haven't had time to write. With all the homework I have, and all the activites and fun things I do at home or while I'm out is other things that are consuming my time right now. 

I'm gonna try my best to update when I can, just expect it to not be all the time. It will be sometimes, and the books I pick are gonna be the ones I'm really thinking about and are into at the time being. 

This book happens to be one of them, I am writing this with @AnyKindaBandanaGirl (she was formerly @BTRFanWolf, but she changed her name), and we are also RPing it... but at the moment, our RP is on hold, because we can't seem to have all the members of the RP present, at the right times. Which sucks, because we have time differences and etc. x.x 

But, we will update as much as we can, and I advise you to read some of her books, they are really fantastic, and she is an excellent writer. Don't be afraid to talk to her either, she's really friendly. <3 

Picture to the right will be of Carlos~

Song will be... Mess by Get Scared. 



Carlos' PoV~

The bright blinding rays of sunlight shined in my eyes as I rolled over to my other side. I groaned, getting up off the couch, and walking slowly to mine and James' room to get dressed. I jiggled the handle, and the door opened with a loud creaking noise. I bit my lip, trying to slide in the without opening the door much more, sense Fawne and James were both sleeping. 

I quickly looked through my closet, finding a black tank top, regular denim jeans, and a purple hoodie. I grabbed those, and ran out of the room, shutting the door as quickly and quietly as I could.  Next, I walked to the bathroom and shut the door, changing my clothes of the day. I glanced in the mirror, and zipped up my hoodie. I saw my hair was a bit messy, so I pulled the hood over my head so no one would see. 

I realized then my face was tear stained, all from the events of last night. How could Kendall do something to me like that, even after he promised he loved me, and he'd never leave me? That wasn't the Kendall I knew. My mind kept telling me he's a heartless cheater, but my heart told me otherwise. I've known him sense we were little kids, and I've learned he has such a big heart, that he wears it on his sleeve. He wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. 

I walked out of the bathroom, turning the light off, and seeing the door to Logan's and Kendall's room was lite up around the edges. They were awake. And I think I need to actually talk to Kendall, and try to not over react. I need to get the facts before I think and act. 

I headed over to the door, and gently knocked. "Yeah?" I heard Kendall say, and I smiled slightly to myself. 

"I-It's Carlos.." I said, my voice sounding hoarse, and a bit scratchy. 

I heard shuffling, and the door opened quicker then I expected. Kendall was in the doorway, his face also tear stained, and his hair all messed up. That lead me thinking to other things, considering what I had saw last night. 

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