Chapter 2, Part 2!

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I see you guys are liking this story, eh? :3

Well, I like it too. And so does Wolfie. We've RPed quite a bit sense we last updated, and we have good news, but I'm not telling you til later. LOL sowwie. ;3

But yeah. It's very good news for all those people who like the boook. :o)

BTW, There will be alot of Kenlos in this chapter, js. <3

Also, check out my new Kames book, called, Did you forget? People seem to like it, and I will be adding some more chapters to it shortly. :3

Anywho. Picture to the right can be of Kendall. <3

Song will be... Hero by Nickelback. Why? BECAUSE ITS AN AWESOME SONG JKFJSLKA THATS WHY. LOL. 



~James' PoV

"James?! Fawne?! WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!"  Logan screamed, causing me to jump, and pull away from the heated kiss. 

I looked over at Logan, and tried to tell him what was going on, but I couldn't form it into words. Or, I just couldn't figure out what to really say to him. We didn't really have the right to be doing this in here, let alone doing this in his and Kendall's room. 

"Logan..." Fawne began to explain, but I quickly cut her off. 

"We came in here, because Kendall and Carlos were sleeping together in m-" 

Logan held up his hand. "Woah, did you say they were sleeping together?"

I nodded. "Yeah, woke up and Kendall was sleeping on top of Carlos. It's like they were just talking, and they passed out." I sighed, as I watch Logan's expressions change from anger to hurt. "Logan, I'm sorry we are in you're room... I'll make sure it won't happen again. 

He turned his back to us. "Just, whatever James. Make sure you don't do this in my room," he stated, sighing a bit. Something was bugging him. "ever again. And, I need to go clear my mind.." 

As soon as those last few words left his mouth, he slammed the door and took off. I heard another door slam, telling me he ran his way out of the apartment. 

"We should probably get out of his room." I mumbled, starting to get off of Fawne. 

"I agree," he said, but then gave me a worried look. "but how are we gonna get back to you're room? We left out clothes in the bathroom." 

I bit my lip, and glanced around Logan's room for a solution. I got off of her completely, and ran to his closet and grabbed one of his shirts. "Here," I said, tossing it to her. "you can wear that, then bring me mine and your clothes and we can put them back on." 

She sighed, as she tossed Logan's shirt over her head, and it easily slid onto her body. "Okay," she blushed, getting off the bed. "I'll be back in a second. Stay right here."  

I hid out of view as she opened the door, and shut it on her way out. I sighed, and glanced around Kendall and Logan's room. It was trashed on Kendall's side, there was no surprise there. He was always the messiest out of the four of us. Logan's side is clean and organized. His pens and pencils all pilled together in a holder, paper neatly put into the drawers of his desk, and the chair neatly put in. No wonder Kendal likes to rant to him about life being to short to be organized, er, something like that. 

The door creaked as she entered back in the room with her clothes on her now. She blushed, walking up to me and handing me mine clothes, and Logan's shirt. I quickly threw my clothes back on, or atleast my boxers. After all, we were just heading back to bed. And about Logan's shirt, I just tossed aside, he wouldn't care anyway. 

When You Say Nothing At All... [ James Maslow / Kenlos Love Story ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ