Chapter 1, Part 4!

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Heey people! 

Haha, @BTRFanWolf (Wolfie), wrote this chapter! She's an amazing writer, you really need to fan her and read her stories if you haven't yet. 


Hehe. XD

Picture over to the right will be of ... Kendall! yeah. Because I love him. and He's amazing. haha.

Song will be Lovestruck by Blood on the Dance Floor. 




At the feeling of his lips against mine, a million questions ran through my mind. Why was he kissing me,  what made him want to kiss me...

And, more importantly, why did I kiss him back?

I should have slapped him, we had just met and he was already kissing me.

Except for the fact that I kind of liked it.

And I kind of liked him.

His lips were soft as I pressed my lips back up against his, my eyes closed. He slowly pulled away soon after and smiled at me for a quick second, his face close to mine, before quickly moving back and the smile disappeared. "I-I'm sorry..", he said, holding up his hands that had held my head a few moments ago.

"N-No its, its okay", I smiled. "I-I didn't mind it..", I blushed. 

"No, no it's not okay." James looked at me sadly. "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that at all..."

"But I kissed you back, so it''s cool."

He shook his head. "No, i'm sorry."

"Well, why did you do it?", I asked, looking up at him.

"I, I just...I needed it. That's all. I'm sorry."

I frowned. I didn't exactly know what he had meant by that, but I didn't dare ask. I didn't like seeing James so apologetic. He had nothing to apologize for. But I couldn't keep telling him that, we would just keep going back and forth. 

"I forgive you.", I said, making it sound like he did have a reason to apologize.

"I don't know if I can forgive myself."

"James, no. Please."


I sighed. "Okay, let's just forget about it then. Don't worry about it. It's fine. It really is. Now, come on, let's get out of the pool. It's starting to get cold", I faked a smile, forcing myself to laugh slightly.

He nodded. "Okay.." 

No. This is awkward. I didn't like seeing James so sad, so sorry. I wasn't going to stand for it.

I was going to find a way to cheer him up.

I pushed him through the lobby once we had gotten out of the pool and dried up. "James, move it!", I laughed. I saw a smile form on his face. Good. "Faster James, come on, into the elevator!", I laughed, pushing him into the elevator. Finally, he couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

"Okay! Gosh! Someone's in a rush!", he laughed,

I laughed harder. "Yes, because I don't want to waste a second of this week!", I smiled, wrapping my arms around James tightly without even thinking. He hugged me back, chuckling. 

"Don't worry, it won't be a waste." , he laughed and I looked up at him as the elevator doors opened. I ran back towards 2J, followed by James.

"You can get changed back into clothes in the bathroom, i'll just change here", he offered.

"Okay", I smiled before grabbing my clothes from before and going into the bathroom to change back into them. When I came out a few seconds later, James was wearing his original clothing as well, sitting on the neon orange couch.

"So what do you"-buzz! James sighed as the sound of his phone going off interrupted him. He reached into his back pocket, pulling the phone out. He frowned.

"Everything okay?", I asked.

He put his phone back away, "Apparently, I have to hit the studio for a photoshoot.", he said with a tone that suggested he wasn't looking forward to it.

"You don't like photoshoots?"

He looked up at me. "No, I don't mind photoshoots, I just don't want to leave-" He stopped suddenly. "Well, you know I don't want to leave you all alone", he added quickly.

"Oh.", I blinked, confused a bit by how James had composed his answer to my question. "Well, it's okay. I can go hang with Kendall, Carlos, or Logan." I looked around. "Speaking of the others, why aren't they here?"

He laughed. "Like usual, they probably think I called dibs on you. So they're keeping their distance. Anyways, I believe Kendall and Carlos are at the Park. As for Logan, I don't know. Anyways, do you need help getting there?"

I wanted James to show me where the Park was at, anything to spend more time with him...


No, no I couldn't be falling for him already. 

Hah. Why would it matter anyways. 

Why waste your love on someone who won't return it?

I shook my head. "No, I can ask someone in the lobby for directions, I wouldn't want to make you late for the photoshoot."

I saw the brightness on his face disappear. I wonder why. He couldn't possibly care.

"O-oh okay", he sounded a bit taken back. "I'll um, i'll see you in a couple hours." He nodded shortly before heading out.

I took a deep breath. He didn't look too happy. He looked...disappointed.

Did he want to show me the Park?

Ugh. Feelings are so hard to understand.

I shook it off, deciding it was a waste of time and headed back towards the PalmWoods Lobby. It felt odd, riding the elevator alone. It felt...empty.

I asked an overweight man behind the Managers' Counter, whom, according to his name tag was Mr.Bitters, for directions to the Park. I thanked him, and he just rolled his eyes and strutted off. Rude if I say so myself.

Walking to the Park felt just as empty, and I realized that even though I love all four members of Big Time Rush, I wasn't as excited to see Kendall and Carlos as I was to see James.

I think I missed him.

Kendall and Carlos walked up to me as soon as they saw me.

"Hi Fawne!", Carlos greeted.

"Where's James?", Kendall asked. "I thought he was with you."

I bit my lip. "He, uh, had to go for a photoshoot."

"Oh." Kendall looked over at Carlos. "Hey, Carlos, can you go get the ball? I threw it over there."

Carlos smiled, nodding. "Yep!" He ran off to get it.

I gulped. "Um, K-Kendall?"

He looked at me. "Fawne?"

"C-can I talk to you about something? Alone, I mean." Don't get me wrong. Carlos was great, but for some reason I felt I would get more help out of Kendall.

He raised an eyebrow. "Um, sure..."

Kendall flinched as a green ball hit him in the side, just as I was about to lead him away. "Throw it again!", Carlos smiled wide.

"Um, actually i'll be right back,okay?" , he smiled sweetly before following me away. I saw Carlos' smile turn into a frown.

It felt bad to be separating them. For some reason, there was a vibe to the way they spoke to each other, the way they looked at each other. I felt like they belonged together, that if I was going to tell one I should tell the other. They came as a package, taped down by something more than friendship.

Gah, I was tired of all these feelings, all these ideas. Ideas I didn't understand, ideas that told me things that might not even be true.

I led Kendall near a bush, away from other people. "What do you need, Fawne?", he asked.

"Kendall I.." Just say it. "I think i'm in love with James."

He smiled. "Really?', he asked amused. "Well I got to say, it was obvious that he was your favorite."

"No, it's not like that. I think i'm really in love with him."

Kendall looked more serious, to my relief. "Why? Did he kiss you?" I bit my lip again and felt my cheeks turn pink. Kendall laughed. "He did, didn't he? He usually does that with girls, always calling dibs on them." Kendall looked at me with a more serious stare after seeing my face grow sad. "Except", he said quietly. "He's usually not so quick. He usually gives it more time. He's not the type to rush. You must be different". He had a slight smirk on his face.

"Are you saying he might like me?" I felt butterflies in my stomach, hope overwhelming me, my heart beat faster. 

"I'm...not sure.", Kendall answered. 

I sighed, all of the butterflies and hopes gone. The drummer inside me stopped beating on my heart. "What does he like?". I asked, "Maybe I can make him something, to show him I care. Maybe then he'll care about me for sure, too."

Kendall thought for a moment. 

"Ouch.", someone whispered and I heard movement in the bush.

"What was that?", I looked around.

Kendall smiled and rolled his eyes. "Carlos!"

The bush rustled more, and Carlos crawled out, sticks and leaves all over him. His pants were covered in dirt. "Hi..."

"Carlos! Were you eavesdropping?!" Unbelievable. Carlos, eavesdropping not just on me, but on a fan of him. I can't believe that..

"Yes...I'm sorry, but I want to help.", Carlos apologized

Gah. I can't get myself to be mad at him. He's too cute, and those puppy-dog eyes...Grrr.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Did you hear everything?" He nodded, "Okay then. Give me a good idea and i'll let you in."

I saw Carlos begin to think, and Kendall resumed to his train of thought. "You remember Bandana Man, right?", Carlos asked.

I nodded. "Of course! How could I forget!"

Kendall beamed up. "Right! So maybe you can dress up as Bandana Girl! Not only will you show James how big of a fan you are, but you'll also look super cute", he winked.

"How dare you take my idea!" Carlos stuck his tongue out at Kendall. 

Kendall laughed. "Great minds think alike."

I smiled. "So, should we go buy the bandanas and clothes now?"

They nodded. "Then you can surprise him at the studio!" , Carlos cheered.

I smiled wide and hugged Carlos. "Carlos! That's brilliant!"

"No hug for Kendall?", Kendall asked cutely.

"D'aww", I smiled sweetly and hugged Kendall. "Happy?"

He laughed, and then offered to drive me to the store. I accepted, and Carlos tagged along.

We went to the nearest clothes store first, to pick out a black shirt and pants. Kendall found nice ones, so I bought those and he then drove us to the 99 Cents store, to buy a ton of cheap bandanas. 

"Over here!", Carlos announced. "They're purple, too!"

I ran over to Carlos, followed by Kendall. "These are great!", I smiled, scooping up a good handful. "We're going to need a lot", I laughed, instructing for Kendall and Carlos to do the same. They laughed, grabbing a couple more, before we placed all of the bandanas on the belt to purchase. Once we bought them all, Kendall drove Carlos and I back to the PalmWoods to help me create the costume. Once we had it all set up, I went to the bathroom to change into it. I came out a few seconds later, dressed as a female version of BandanaMan.

"Do you think he'll like it?", I smiled, spinning.

"I know he'll love it", Kendall smiled.

"Does it look good?"

"It looks great!", Carlos praised.

I hugged them both, "Thank you guys so much."

Carlos nodded. "It was no problem! I hope everything goes great!", he smiled wide.

"Thanks, Carlos", I smiled.

"Do you want me to drive you to the studio?", Kendall offered.

"That would be great."

He grabbed his car keys and waved to Carlos, who sat down on the couch with the TV turned on. "See you in a bit", he said before leading me out to his car.

{Ten Minutes Later}

"Thanks again, Kendall.", I smiled, getting out of the car.

"Of course. Now do you want me to go inside with you? I know you've never been in there before."

"Umm, no I think i'll be okay. What floor is James on?"

"Probably the second one. Good luck!" I waved and smiled at him before he drove off.

I headed towards the front door of Rocque Records, and walked in. I managed to find an elevator, and selected the button to go to the second story. When the elevator opened up for the second floor, I padded out into the hallway and slightly opened the first door I saw.

I peeked through, to see James posing in front of a white screen. The empty feeling I had inside me had vanished. I felt happy again, excited...

I smiled, took a deep breath and opened the door fully to walk in. James instinctively glanced over at the door, to see me. 

I wonder if he knew how happy I was to see his face again.

When You Say Nothing At All... [ James Maslow / Kenlos Love Story ]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu