53. Mixed feelings & fortunes.

Start from the beginning


Chloe smiled and threw her arms around Steef's neck as they danced, she was pleased to see someone she knew. Steef was keen to make sure no one else got near her now, he knew how possessive Seb was and that he would want him to keep an eye on her. Although she was clearly very intoxicated, he was pleased to have this time on his own with her. He slid his hands down the sides of her body taking in the curve of her waist and hips, she didn't seem to mind this and moved closer to him, pressing her body to his and grinding suggestively against him. She seemed different tonight, with a wild look in her eyes, but he couldn't figure out what was different about her. He could smell that she had been smoking cannabis but that wasn't the only thing that was different. As she swayed her hips to a slower part of "9pm (till I come)' he could tell she was getting turned on as she closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip. She was starting to test his self restraint, she'd certainly make a great evening with Eva and Seb.


Antti parked his Audi estate as near to the club as he could get. He got out and slammed the door shut, he was pissed off after Seb had rung asking him why he hadn't let him know that Chloe was at Pentagon 2. Once he had told Seb that he didn't know that she had even gone there, Seb had then had a go, saying he should have told him that she was out when he'd got back from seeing a friend. He then insisted that Antti should go and pick her up despite him telling Seb that Chloe was a grown woman who could look after herself and wouldn't like the fact that Seb had sent someone to pick her up. He walked away from his car, pointing the key at it from behind him and pressing the button to lock it. It was gone 2.30am now, surely the club would be closing soon, but then he remembered that this was Steef's club and he did things a little differently. He nodded to the doorman who recognised him as Seb's trainer and let him go straight in. Once inside he stopped and started to scan the room for Chloe, starting with the bar. He walked further in and along the bar area, he realised he had no idea what she was wearing and that would make it more difficult to spot her in this busy nightclub.


Steef eyed Chloe in an almost predatory way as they stood outside with the group of people she seemed to have got friendly with. She had just downed the last of another vodka and coke and was now dancing with the blonde woman she'd met earlier who she had discovered was named Petra. Petra handed Chloe her cigarette to finish, which she did before stubbing it out and popping it in the nearby bin.
"Hey! What's wrong with you, you're looking kind of down to me!!" Chloe sung loudly while pointing at Steef and wiggling her hips making him throw his head back laughing, she giggled as he took hold of her hand and led her back inside to the dancefloor with Petra and a few others following close behind. The room was lit up with a mixture of pink, blue and purple lighting and white lights flashed all around them. She started to dance again with her hands in the air, sandwiched between Steef and Petra and surrounded by lots of sweaty bodies. Steef slid his hand down her front to rest on her lower abdomen, he pressed on her slightly making her bum start to rub against him, he smiled and pressed his lips to her neck for a second. He was having a small taste of her and she was definitely going to leave him wanting more, he really hoped that Seb would be able to persuade her to indulge in the little hobby he shared with himself and Eva. They needed Seb to have a partner for the whole experience to work.


Antti walked amongst the throng of sweaty, happy dancing people. Every so often his eyes would rake up and down an attractive woman, distracting him. He was starting to wonder if he'd missed Chloe and she'd already left. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and pulled it out to check it. As he'd expected, it was Seb asking if he'd got Chloe out of the club yet. He replied back quickly, not yet. Suddenly he saw Steef, and there writhing against him was Chloe. Images of her dancing naked on the video immediately flashed through his mind as he looked at her. She looked sweaty, insanely happy but at the same time almost blissed out. He stepped closer, Steef saw him approaching, he wasn't surprised to see that Seb had sent someone to collect her. Antti continued to watch her. While she was obviously drunk she still looked sexy and beautiful to him, her tight black dress showed off every curve and had ridden up exposing more thigh than she'd usually feel comfortable showing.
"Antti!!" She saw him standing there wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt, she beckoned him over with her hand. He smiled and walked over to her.

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