"What do you want to know?"

"Do you know what that they wanted?" I closed my eyes, letting the memories of everything come back before reopening them and looking at Black Canary once more.

"They kept... on experimenting on us. They tried to trigger something inside of us, I think. They put us through a lot of tests, but some of the other kids' tests didn't seem to give them the results they wanted."

"What happened to them?"

"I don't even know... they would just... just disappear... those things would take them, and then they wouldn't come back... I'm not totally sure what it is they seemed to want to activate inside me and the others, but I do know that I never want to go through that again..."

"Could you just tell me what it is they did exactly?"

By this point in the conversation, I was looking down while fiddling with my hoodie's strings. "I can tell you what they did with me... not sure about the others though." Looking up, I saw her nod her head as if saying go on. "It kinda started out small, they would give me small zaps, but after a while, they did something in my head... not exactly sure what but it felt as if my brain was being repelled from my body. As if my consciousness was being kicked out or something."

"Repelled? Like what you did to Black Beetle?." My face contorted into shock.

"Oh, So that did happen..." I looked at my hands that were now made into fists on my lap.

"Yes." There was a moment of silence before she spoke again. " Do you have any questions? Any at all?"

"Why's there a camera?"

"So that I can remember exactly what you've said." She said with a small smile before going serious again.

"Smart." I thought for a second before asking "What's gonna happen to us?" She looked confused for a moment before regaining her composure and answering.

"The rest of the league and I will have to... talk. Thank you for your cooperation." I nodded and left. 'Not sure how to feel with that answer... I hope grandma's alright. And Maria and Claire...'

After closing the door, I stayed still for a minute and tried to make my breathing look normal, just not to make it visible that all my emotions and thoughts were all over the place.

I started to move towards the chairs slowly but was stopped by a hand, grabbing my wrist. I immediately pulled away from the person's grip and balled up my hands into fists before holding them close to my chest. I closed my eyes tightly. 'Don't repel!'

"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." I reopened my eyes and looked over to see that the green boy from the ship was the one who had spoken and grabbed my wrist a few seconds ago.

"No, no it-it's fine." I stuttered out. "I... I'm just a little jumpy." After a few awkward seconds of silence, I noticed that he was staring at me, which kind of made me feel self-conscious. "Uh..." He seemed to snap out of his daze almost instantly at the sound of my voice before... hugging me?


"Huh... wh-what?" He stopped hugging me and took a step back before turning completely human... well except for the greens skin and green hair. 'Wait a second... I know this freckled kid... no, it can't be...' "Gar?!"

"The one and only." He gave me that dorky smile, the same smile he did when I was leaving six years ago. The last time I saw him. "I missed you, ya know?"

My eyes softened, and a small smile made its way into my face. "Noted."

After mine and Garfield's reunion, he was called in to speak with Black Canary. I once again resumed my journey towards the chairs and sat down. I noticed the others staring at me. 'Why are they staring?...' Then it hit me. 'They saw everything that just happened... didn't they...' I looked at the ground and started to fiddle with the end of my braid. 'Please look away. Please look away.' 

Even though I hadn't been paying much attention to the people around me I did, in fact, take notice that I had sat down next to Tye Longshadow, the guy from the night I was abducted. 'At least I paid enough attention so that I could tell which name belonged to which face.' I gave him a sideways glance hoping that he wouldn't notice. 'His eyes... they were brown... they're blue now... did the experiments change his eye colour?' He looked at me. 'GAH! Why does this guy always look when I'm staring at him?! Oh, yeah... ok.' I diverted my eyes to the ceiling. 'No Felicity you're totally not SUPER obvious.'

"You're the girl from the night I was abducted." My head shot down to his face, and my eyes widen slightly before blinking a few times. "Felicity, right?"

"Y-Yeah... that's me." He gave a curt nod and diverted his gaze to the wall in front of us. He put his back against the back of the chair and leaned against the wall while closing his eyes. "Your name's Tye... right?" He opened his eyes and gave me a sideways glance before nodding. I could have sworn I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips before he closed his eyes once more.

A smile made its way onto my face as I copied him. I leaned on the back of the chair that was against the wall before closing my eyes. I put my hands into my hoodie pocket and took a small nap. And by a nap, I mean letting everything that had happened this last month sink in.


I hope it doesn't suck too bad and I hope you enjoyed it. Have a good day/night! And Stay Crash!

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