You're like a Cactus

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          You're like a cactus. Sharp and scary on the outside. You have a sweet fruit as a taunting trap. However, just because you're the cactus doesn't mean you're any better on the inside. So lifeless and dry like the love that you feed me. I trick myself into thinking you and your love is as essential as the paper I write this on. But don't worry, you only left ink stains on my skin in the form of burning tears. The searing message that you don't want me anymore. I would never force you to be something you're not. If you don't want to be my sheet of paper, you can find your new ink and start a new chapter of your life as the prick I convince myself to see you as.

          I want you to be happier, yet. So I'll think for a second that you're a freshly ripened strawberry. Something so sweet to the tongue and bright. If you continue to scar me as you do, inflicting this hate and pain in me, I'll just have to leave you stuck on your strawberry bush; Nowhere near harms way and you won't have to worry about being damaged. But the pain slowly sinks into your red coloured flesh. You start to fade in colour and become wilted and damaged by the wind since you're so much higher and perched safely away from me. 'Til the day you fall off that perch and crash to the dirt and feel it all catch up to your cold dead body.

Feel all my pain you fucking cactus. 

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