Studio Time - Group

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"how'd ya like that, boys?" I asked the four of them, playing the record back to them, this time including the extra bass chord. I had worked with them for years on separate things, they called me whenever they thought they needed extra help or an extra hand and I helped them as described. 

"I like it but maybe we need an extra layer of vocals" Brian suggested, walking around behind me 

"there is always something extra you guys need" I laugh, fiddling with the dials as Freddie runs back into the booth, positioning himself in front of the microphone 

"ready?" Freddie yelled, clearly not remembering that we can hear him perfectly if he used his normal voice 

"yep...Deaky" I nodded over for Deaky to press play on the instrumental recording we had just finished. Freddie began to sing in a higher octave than the other samples to create a harmonizing effect, I turned around to face Roger, Brian and Deaky to see what they were thinking of the adjustment 

"try to add some more echoes" Roger noted, pointing his cigarette at me. I spun in my chair and slowly dialled the mixers up, bit by bit to observe the change happening 

"that's it, right there" Deaky commented, I stopped fiddling and listened to Freddie's 'perfected' voice, it sounded good, I just had to wait to see if he would like it. 

The playback and the singing stopped as Freddie walked back in the room with the pair of headphones he just had on, in his hands "how'd I sound? shit? perfect?" Freddie questioned, sitting in the black office chair next to me 

"decide for yourself" I hummed, leaning back in my chair and watching Freddie's face light up as he pressed play on the final recording. we, all five of us, listened to the song all the way through and sat there in our own thoughts seconds after it finished, collecting our opinions

"well?" I asked, waiting for a response from anyone. 

"it's good, like what we did with the effects" Roger was the first to respond 

"I think you mean what I did with the effects Taylor" I corrected him, sharing a smirk between the both of us 

"the sound we need, for sure" Brian sighed out of exhaustion, as much as he loved time at the studio it could also be tiring and slightly boring 

"Deak, Fred?" I asked, trying to encourage an answer out of either of them 

"think the crowds gonna love it when we tour" Deaky smiled, he never really had much influence or opinions on the songs, he just did what he had to do until he liked it unless it was his song 

"my voice sounds like a group of angels... I like it" Freddie clapped in excitement, it was always a relief to see Freddie be in love with the new song or album after working so hard on it. "the boys kept in time for once" Freddie laughed, making me smirk at all of them. it was a little inside joke of ours from the very early days.

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