We Are The Champions - Freddie

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requested by maddie12324 hope this is everything you wanted hun! 

Freddie's POV...

I wasn't normally nervous at all because I knew they loved me otherwise they wouldn't come to Queen's shows but this was different, there were other performers to be compared against by the press and the millions that filled the stadium and the other millions that were watching from all over the world had their valid opinion of us. 

I personally think anyone who was focusing on us was wrong because it was a charity event for a special cause that would go down in History and I know it. "Freddie are you in here?" I heard a sweet tone of a woman's voice from the other side of the van door, distracting me temporarily 

"come in sweetheart" I called back, the boys had gone already to the side of the stage but I told them I needed some extra time to prepare so they left. when I looked over to the door I saw Maddie standing there smiling widely, as usual, she looked gorgeous in the floral dress that I brought for her birthday last year "are you alright?" I asked, reading into her facial expressions as she sat down next to me noticing the slightly worried look 

"yeah I'm fine Fred, how are you feeling?" Maddie asks, resting her hand upon my shoulder. her actions were always so sweet and made me feel very special as if no one else mattered 

"I'll be okay once I get out there my love, just normal stage jitters" I responded when now that she was here with me, it made me feel quite frightened to leave her behind, more than nervous 

"Freddie for you that isn't normal" My Maddie sets me straight, I knew that she would be forward with me more than she has ever been. she wanted and deserved to know everything and nothing but everything

"... I'm scared" I admitted facing her, seeing the pain on her face and seeing the reflection of my pain in her eyes

"you can't be scared now Freddie, come on" Maddie rubbed my back and spoke in a tone of almost disbelief where it came out as a mere whisper

"I've been scared all of my life and you're the only one that makes me feel like I'm not" I hear my voice crack mid-sentence, letting everything slip through a little more

"I'll miss you, Freddie Mercury" I heard Maddie speak as a tear rolled down her cheek, telling her was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. before I could respond there was a knock on the trailer door and loud roars from the crowd waiting for our arrival "go on, they're waiting for you" Maddie pushed me up slightly yet she was still sat on the sofa. I walked over to the door with my sunglasses in hand but turned around when I opened the door 

"and I'm waiting for you sweetheart" I smiled slightly seeing the glimmer of hope in her eyes. I linked her hand with mine and began to walk to the stage with her head resting on my shoulder and her body close to mine. 

both of us stopped in front of the rather large curtain as the screams only got louder "you know I'll always be by your side to protect you" I said, the comment was out of the blue but I meant it with every piece of love I could possibly give 

"I know you will and I'll always protect you, Freddie, from everyone" Maddie responded, it was difficult to think about a world without her. I turned around to see the boys hyping themselves up ready to absolutely smash it like I know they will, like I know we will. when I turned back around I saw Maddie smiling with her glossy big eyes that only made me smile widely, I leaned in with both of my hands on either side of her head and kissed her gently. it was purely innocent and It calmed my nerves down instantly. 

"I think your boys are waiting for you" She giggled sweetly, I smiled back and jogged backwards towards Roger, Brian and John, not taking my eyes of off Maddie... 

- slight time skip -

we were halfway through 'We are the champions' and I got to the line that I originally wrote about Maddie and the boys. I looked around at the crowd then to the sides of me to John and Brian then spun around to see Roger, all in their element then lastly Maddie, I looked into her eyes as she watched us from the side of the stage and sung to her 

"but it's been no bed of roses, no pleasure cruise, I consider it a challenge before the whole human race and I ain't gonna lose...

we are the champions, my friends and we'll keep on fighting till the end"

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