I Hate You Right Now ~ Brian

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Last night Brian proposed a dangerous idea, don't get me wrong I'm all for the excitement of doing something so scandalous so that's why I went along with the idea of making a sex tape for when he's on tour. it was in the back of my mind all day and I was currently on the way over to the recording studio to check in on Brian to see how he was doing and the others of course but I couldn't shake the sense of something bad happening with that tape.

I pulled the door open to the lounge I was told they were in and saw that they were recording so I sat myself down on the brown leather sofa and waited for them to finish up what they were doing which was quite odd by the looks of it.

Moments went by and I was enjoying watching them sing and play their instruments that they were all so passionate about but I was dragged out of that day dream by them getting up and walking into the mixing part where I was waiting.

"Hey love, you alright" Brian walked up to me and pressed a kiss to my cheek

"Yeah you?" I ask to which he nods "you alright boys?" I ask them, all of their heads flick in my direction and they all start blushing like a group of teenage boys.

"Y/N you look amazing but you looked better in HD" Roger commented smirking at me, eyeing me up like a piece of meat. A flame of shame washed over me, I knew something was going to happen with that tape that would hurt one of us, I felt so embarrassed and the only thing way I could get away was walking out of the room which is what I did but more precisely, stormed out of that room. As I slid down the wall, my hands running through my hair I could hear them all starting to argue. I was so unbelievably angry and disappointed in Brian right now I didn't even want to see him let alone them.

The sound of the door slamming made me look up and I saw Brian standing there with the biggest look of guilt on his face "y/n" Brian started but I cut him off as I stood up

"Don't. You promised that was only for you, only you're meant to see me like that" my voice cracked halfway through my sentence "how did they even see it?" I asked waiting anxiously for a response

"I was meant to send something through to them but sent that instead" Brian explained himself even though nothing could fix this

"Well sorry Brian but nothing now changes the fact that your band mates have seen what's under my clothes. I don't want to even go back in there" I shouted, hitting his chest with my balled up fists

"It was accident" Brian tried staying calm with me, grabbing my wrists to restrain my actions

"You can sleep on the sofa tonight or better yet don't come home" I coldly spoke with no emotion in my voice

"Sweet heart please" Brian tried stopping me from walking away, I told around quickly as he did

"Stop. Don't touch me, you don't get to touch me until I'm ready" I look in his eyes not breaking eye contact once

"Please Y/N, I'll speak to them" the Curley haired guitarist made up excuses

"Oh so now I mention no sex you try and fix it" i roll my eyes and scoff at his words

"That's not what I meant" Brian runs a hand through his hair getting frustrated

"I'll see you at home" I walk away without letting a tear slip from my watery eyes, surprisingly

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