Chapter 26: He's more than my best friend

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     "But you could've given it to Kaito or someone else. Why her?"

      "Because she wanted to hang out and I had no reason to say no." His voice remained calm and straight to the point. I squeezed my hands into fists.

     "Okay, but this entire week you never talked to me. You were always with her! Even if you aren't dating now, do you both like each other or something? Everyone in our friend group thinks so. "

      "What if we do?" he asked looking at me. My heart felt like it was thrown on the floor then stomped on a thousand times. "You told me that I should try going on a date. I don't understand..." I did... I really did tell him that. I couldn't tell him that I didn't mean it. I should be happy for him, but I'm not. Tears started to fall on my lap. I couldn't stop them from soaking my skirt.

      "So do you like her?" I asked trembling trying to hold in my sobs.

     "Kaede..." Everytime he said my name my heart fluttered, but at this moment it felt like needles stabbing me. He reached to touch my shoulder, but I pushed him away.

     "Answer my question."

      "If I say yes then what? You'll stop being friends with me?" His question caused anger to fuel inside me.

     "Isn't that what you want?!" I asked glaring at him. "Ever since she's been here, we stopped hanging out. We always went to the cafeteria! We always sat together at the tables! We always hung out at my house!" I hated this side of me. I've never shouted before nor have I ever felt jealous. Only Shuichi could do this to me.


     "Can you just answer my questions!? Do you like Tsumugi?" I stood up to stand right in front of him.

     "No, I don't! I already told you that we didn't go on a date. I've only seen her as a friend from the beginning up till now." I felt my heart relax and I wanted to wrap my arms around him. But, I couldn't because there were still questions floating in my head.

     "Then why did she post a picture with that kind of caption?"

      "What caption?" Shuichi looked genuinely confused. I pulled out my phone and showed him. He had a slight frown on his face. "I didn't know about this. I'll tell her to take it down."

"She definitely took it as a date." He shook his head.

"I made it clear to her that it wasn't. I'll talk to her."

"Why did you start hanging out with her so much?" I went onto the next question immediately. He took a few seconds before words could come out of his mouth.

"I was trying to..."

"To what?" I asked growing impatient. He gave me a desperate look.

"I can't say it, I'm sorry..." His response made me even more angry, and I felt like I wasn't myself at that moment. I turned Shuichi around and pushed him down on the bed. He looked at me in shock as I climbed on top of him. Tears started to drop down from my eyes onto his face.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I just wanted to say it. To confess my feelings then and there. But I couldn't. I'm scared of rejection. I'm scared of what might become of our relationship.

"What am I doing?" He wiped the tears off my face.

"You're hurting me by keeping these secrets... I thought we were closer than that. Was I mistaken to tell you everything about me?"

"No!" he exclaimed, but closed his eyes to calm down. He took a deep breath before opening them and looking into my eyes. "Kaede, the reason why I hung out with Tsumugi was because I was trying to get over you." My eyes widened and I felt so many different emotions. Shock, confusion, happiness, anger, hope...

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