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Yume's POV

It's 5 in the morning and I decided to do some jogging and maybe I could tour myself outside the mansion

"Aikatsu~ Aikatsu" I said as I was jogging

It would be great if they have a big garden

I looked around to see if I could find their garden if they have

As i wander my eyes, my sight was locked on the figure laying at a big tree

I walked towards the person to see it was a petite girl who seems to be a grade schooler.

Her light and fluffy hair flutters as the wind pass by

I might have stared at her too intensely. The girl slowly opened her eyes as she felt my presence.

Stood up from her position and looked at me from top to bottom.

"You are?" The girl asked tilting her head curious of me

Fascinated by her sparking blue Sapphire eyes, i ended up staring at her again.

"Hey kid, im asking who are you" the girl pissed at me for not replying

Realizing i was spacing out, i replied to her question.

"N-Nijino Yume" i nervously answered

'i want to be her friend but now, it looks like it won't happen' i sigh at my own thoughts

"Hmm.. so you're yume" she exclaimed nodding her head.

" Hikari Nagiri" she continued and introduced herself.

'is she one of my cousins?' I thought to myself

"Are you by any chance, one of my cousins" not able to hold on my curiosity and asked her directly

"Well.. i'm a relative of yours but i'm no cousin to you.. just think of as your grandma from your mom's side" Hikari explained.

"Grandma??! But You look like a kid!" I shouted, not believing what i just heard

Hikari flinched as i shouted the word and got really flustered and restless.

"A-Aren't you a rude kid, im not child anymore.. i'm on my late 60-...i mean 30s" she corrected herself

"You told me to think of you as my grandma and wait did you just say 60 or 30? Which is it?!" i spoke loudly and still processing the occuring events

"I-Im 30,I don't really care if you believe me or not and call me whatever you like." she said looking annoyed at me.

'Well, i just recently knew i had a relatives who were actually a huge influence to the aikatsu system.Then perhaps she is from the main family of Kirika's. Maybe i can ask some information'

"From the main family of Kirika's?" I straight forwardly asked

"That's right" Hikari replied as she nod her small head

Remembering what Lily told me, i felt nervous and at the same time scared that there is a chance i am their target now

'Maybe she knows the Kirika's family affairs'

"Then, do you perhaps know the secrets that the Kirika's have been hiding" i got i feeling that i should not waste even a second of my time.

Hikari's POV

"Then, do you perhaps know the secrets that the Kirika's have been hiding" Yume asked me clenching her both hands

'of course.. but i can't say that yet' i thought to myself

"I know just as much as you, sorry" i apologized.

'i can't say that'

"No, its fine, I just thought that maybe you could enlighten me with the happenings that i do not know of" Yume exclaimed

'i can't say it'

"Well, i gotta go Hikari or is it grandma" Yume giggled then waved at me as she walk away from my sight

'i can't say... that I'm the reason why you are suffering right now my dearest grandchild'

I clench my hands, feeling guilty for everything that had or will happen to yume

'forgive your old grandma'

End of the Chapter

I don't remember for how long i had not updated this.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter


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