Ria Kirika

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Emily's POV

~opens the door~

"Here we are yume" I said as I look at yume-chan with a sad face

"What's wrong?"yume-chan asked me

"I--" suddenly my mom appeared

"Are you yume-chan?" Mom asked yume-chan with the brightest smile

Mom,you're really good at acting innocent

"U-um yes, I'm Nijino Yume ..and you must be Aunt Ria"yume-chan answered

"I'm Ria Kirika, nice to meet you yume-chan"mom said as she smiled
"You must be tired from the trip, Lily please guide yume-chan to her room"

"As you wish lady Ria, please follow me Yume-sama"Lily answered

Lily and Yume leaves the room

~closes the door~

"Wah~ that yume has some ugly face just like her mother" mom said with a face of hatred

"M-mom what are you going to do to yume now?" I asked with a frown in my face

"Huh!? DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK! *Touches my face* you're part of this plan, don't act all innocent"mom said

"Bu---you're right, I'm part of this and I have already made my hand dirty" I said as I look down

"That's my girl" mom said as she smiles

Yume's POV

"Your room is here Yume-sama" Lily said

~opens the door~

"Wow~ A-are you sure this is my room...it's pretty big for a one person"I said

The room had a lot of space
It was painted with pink
Ah,is that a painting of mom?

"Lily, was this once my mom's room?" I asked Lily

"It was once kyouko-- I mean, lady kyouko" Lily answered

"Were you in good terms with mom?" I asked

"We were best of friend, we were classmates since grade school" Lily answered

"Since grade school!? That's amazing" I said looking surprised

"....Yume, you shouldn't have come here" Lily said with a look of sadness

"W-why is it?" I said as I look afraid

"You already know the history of this family" Lily said

The anti- aikatsu side? Or the good ones?

"This family is full of hatred and I... don't want you to be involved of this" Lily continued

"B-but they're all gone, the bad ones I mean" I said looking terrified

"If they are good then they will always be evil" Lily said " I can't protect you by my own so you should be more cautious of your surroundings, got it?"

"G-got it" I said

Kyouko POV

I hope li-chan got the message


To: li-chan

Li-chan please take care of my daughter, please I'm begging you
I have a bad feeling of making yume come to America. Please protect yume so that I can fell at ease

~end of flashback~

Ria, I may not know your plans but they will fail and I know it. You're not gonna hurt my daughter

Thanks for reading😊

I know it was short and all

And also

I decided to continue this book

And also please support my new book

'Please be my secret'

Again thank you and I hope you also continue to support this book

See you🤗🤗🤗

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