Chapter 14

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There was no hiring in the hospital so I work in a diner next to it. The pay wasn't great but it keeps me busy and always on the move so I didn't have much time thinking.

One of Todd's colleague keep on asking for a date and I think, I'll try it, for the first time, dating as in for real. Romantic dinner in a restaurant, eat good food and enjoy good conversation.

The bell on the door rang. So I look up to the customer.

Standing by the door was Ezio with Eric and Erica.

Erica gasped when she saw me then quickly run towards me and give me a hug "Mommy!"

I led them to the available table booth.

"So what do you want honey? Mom's treat, you can get anything you want and I will ask the cook to make more special."

I took my note and pen in my pocket and jut down their order.

"What do you want?" I asked Ezio.


"Daddy is being silly, mommy is not even on the menu." Erica giggled.

"Smart baby. Mommy is not available."

"Mommy can you stay with us?" Eric asked. "Please."

My heart hurts "I can't sweetheart. I'm working. I'll be back when the food is ready."

"Why don't you join them? Just take a break." Caroline offered.

"No. This is my job, I do what I'm paid to do."


"Surprise! Mommy we're having a movie night!" I look at the center table full of snacks and drinks.

I look at my two angels. Eventhough I don't want to spend time with their dad, I don't have the heart to turn them down again.

"Alright, I'll have a quick bath first." When I come back the kids are eating pizza.

"Yum that smells good." I chose to sit on the armchair for distance.

No even half of the movie the kids already sleeping on the couch. My best guess is Ezio chose a boring movie.

"I'm going to bed. Can you please carry them to their rooms and you can sleep in the guest room."

"We need to talk Kimberly... Please."

I cursed at myself for looking into his eyes. It was just like that song 'angel eyes'

"I'll wait in the bedroom."


In the bedroom while waiting for Ezio I feel like a fool... I act like a bride getting ready for her first night luckily I stop myself from changing into the most sexiest lingerie that I own.

When I get out of the bathroom Ezio is already sitting on the edge of the bed.

He open his arms to me.

"You said we will talk." I lean on the bathroom door and cross my arms to my chest go stop myself from running to him.

I sigh. "We never had a serious talk. We were like tugging each other's leash and the other one will follow, you did the tugging more."

Ezio shook his head as sign that he disagree.

I watch him inhale deeply before exhaling. Gathering energy like the camehame wave. Better run for cover now coz Ezio is gonna blow. 

"I'm not the one tugging the leash Kimberly. It's always been you. Even before, you rope, I get hooked, I made plans then you left. When you came back, you tug the leash again." His eyes glistening and his throat bobbed up and down. "It hurts Kimberly. I miss the tugging. I miss you. How long do I have to wait for you to take me again?"

"You can't give me what I want."

"And what is that?"

"You Ezio. The whole you."

"I'm here. I quit politics so I can spend more time with you and the kids. I'll just focus on dad's company and our family."

"Family." I laugh.

"Are we not? I know I haven't been spending time with you but that's because I'm scared Kimberly. I'm scared that you will leave me again. You put that fear in me... But I realize now that I have to make a move before you go off dating other guys."

I shook my head. "I don't want to be your mistress. I thought I can take it but it turns out I can't."

"What? Is this what it is about?" He walk towards me and carress my face.

"I'm tired Ezio. This talk is going nowhere." I tried to avoid him.

"Who called you a mistress?"

"Your fiancée did."

"What fiancee?"

I chuckled. "Claudia, who else?"

"Oh god I'm so stupid." Ezio run his hands to his hair. He look at me then just wrapped his arms around me.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me on his lap.

"I love you Kimberly." He pressed his lips on my forehead

"I love you too but..."

"Shhh don't end it a but. Hear me first. All of this was my fault because I can't say things right." He admitted to me.

"I broke up the engagement to Claudia the first time I met our kids. I drop her off to her house... Cruel I know. Just like that. I want to be with my family blah blah blah, open the door for her 'Sayonara... Byee'. Then get back to the house, to you and our kids."

"That's awful. You're joking." I laugh.

"It wasn't so maybe it was my fault she tried to kill herself." Guilt was written on his face.

"No. It's not our fault she got a weak will. I knew that woman was on the boundary to crazy town when you showed up here angry telling me she tried to off herself."

"She called you a mistress, didn't she?"

"In my defense, I didn't know about you two broken up. I might have poke some fresh wounds when you guys aren't even married yet.

"So all this time you thought I am marrying Claudia and make you my mistress?"

I pout and nodded.

"Stupid girl... I was busy undoing all the wedding arrangements Claudia did then there's the campaign."

"Yeah I didn't know, she's in your party list till I have heard from your sister... You know you've got a poor communication skill."

"Only at you baby. You make me forget the words and just let our body talks."

"I like the sound of our body talking..." I grind my sex to him.

"I know me too..." He groaned. "But before that just to be clear I love you Kimberly." Then took out a small box I under the bed and dust it off.

"How long is it been sitting down?"

"Too long." He open the box and take out the ring and slide it on my finger.

"What, no question?"

"This is me putting you on the leash permanently."

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