Chapter 7

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Coming back home is scariest for me. I feel like a wanted criminal setting foot in our old town. Maybe it was the guilt.

I heard from a common that the twin Salvatore hated me after I left with just a piece of paper. So no welcome back party for you Kimberly.

"Mommy grandpa said he will make time to visit us." Eric, my four year old son said as he continue to tap on his phone screen.

"Will daddy be there?" My daughter Erica asked.

Yup twins, new Salvatore twins.

Raising kids alone was hard even with Ezio's dad financial assistance, it didn't make it easier.

When I gave birth to my twins, I cried so hard the doctor got worried. I called Ezio that day.

It was quick phone call. A girl answered it but she was kind enough to give the phone to him. I rustling of the sheet before I heard his voice. I was sniffing and wiping the tears, I was a mess that day, my emotions were all over the place.

'You shouldn't have called...' that's the first and only thing he said before I say 'I'm sorry' repeatedly while sobbing.

That's when I realized I lost him. He moved on but I did not. Maybe it was my karma.

Ms. Watsons, the old lady Mr. Salvatore hired to as a helper took the phone away from me and I didn't call again after that.

Surprisingly Mr. Salvatore helped alot. He move us to a bigger apartment, hired a nanny for the kids and made sure he get to see them from time to time especially when there's an occasion.

"Mommy do you think Granpa pick a big house?" Eric asked, he is been hinting he wants his own bedroom.

"I'm sure it is with a big yard, a pool and near a park." I told them.

"Mr. Salvatore is spoiling them too much." Eli, the twins nanny commented.

"Well he never did to his own kids." Ms. Watsons turns out to be Ally and Ezio's old nanny. In a way Eric and Erica knows their dad well enough from her stories.

As soon as we see the welcome town sign, the twins stick their necks to the window.

"Look mommy there's an ice cream parlor near the park. Can we go there please!" Erica begged.

"Next time Honey. We can't your let your Granpa wait that long, he is a busy man." Mr. Salvatore is a Governor now and I heard from his conversation  with Ms. Watsons that Ezio is running for Mayor.

"Why does he have more time with us than dad?" Expect my son Eric to question everything.

My hold on the wheel tighten. Mr. Salvatore begged me to introduce the kids to his son and agreed eventually.

"You'll see your dad soon." I said. I watch them jump in their carseats in happiness.

"It's a wise decision." Ms. Watsons put her hand on my shoulder.

"We don't know about that." When it comes to Ezio expect the unexpected. I just hope it wouldn't be a bloody battle of custody.


"Granpa mom said we get to see daddy!" Erica yell and run to her grandfather as soon as she escaped her carseat.

"I know that is why you and your brother are here." He scoot down to her level and pinch her chubby cheek adoringly.

"Why don't you see the princess bedroom and cars bedroom apartment  I set up for you two." Erica's eyes glowed like a light. She run inside with Eric. Eli was behind telling them to be careful.

"When are you going to tell him?" Mr. Salvatore asked.

"This Sunday, the sooner the better. I can't let them go running around town. I don't want him to know about them through others. Will you set a lunch for us?"

"Why don't we talk about this inside?" He led me inside the house.


"Ezio's getting married!" I covered my mouth, luckily the kids busy playing upstairs.

I gave him a knowing look. "You brought us here to stop it, did you?"

"Can't blame me for trying. It is still up to you two to clean your act. Just think of you kids Kimberly, don't you want a whole happy family for them."

"You are fool for hoping. It's been five years!" I laugh. "We were not even serious back then."

"Is proposing to you after highschool isn't serious enough."

My head turn to him so fast I got whiplash.

"I didn't tell you. I'm sorry. I was worried you'll come running back to him if you knew." Regret was all over his face.

"Ezio asked for my blessing and his mom's ring. He wants to marry you."

"Well he change, coz he is marrying another woman."

Loving EzioNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ