Hoe Tips: Masturbating

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This section will be teaching you how to become comfortable with pleasuring yourself.

1# Pace yourself and take your time. There's no rush take your time when trying to get yourself to cum.
When you please yourself, learn what movements your body responds to, what positions you like, and how relax while doing it. Learn what make you tingle and feel good. Take deep breaths, if something feels weird which it will see if you can get used to and if you start to feel the pleasure in it. Or if you feel like you're just taking too long in general that's normal. It takes the woman 45 minutes to an hour to orgasm. So you may not always get it in time frame that you want but you can always stop and try again. Once you figure what makes you tick, your orgasms may come faster. Remember it is not a race and it is a marathon and when get to the finished line you'll definitely feel like it was worth it taking your time.

2# Find what your favorite way to masturbate.
Whether it be using your hand or using a toy, laying on your back, or laying on your stomach if you're shy, find your way and experiment with it. There lots of porn on the internet that you can use and watch to get yourself aroused but be wary a lot of those actors do exaggerate. A lot. Like a lot slot. It's all for the cameras. If porn doesn't work for you then there is always just figuring it out on your own. And if you have a partner don't be afraid to ask them to assist you but sending personalized messages, videos, and pictures if they're comfortable with it.

3# If you're ready experiment.
Toys, vibrators, lubricants, are all good when trying to help yourself. Try doing different positions. Pillow humping is always a thing and it's amazing. See if you like recording yourself. Sometimes it helps to have someone that you trust to send videos to. If it's your first masturbating start off with small toys, those little bullets are tiny but mighty. Or if it's your first time trying to try something kinky always start off with small toys, like anal beads and small butt plugs. Whatever you do make sure you do it safely. If you can produce enough of your own lubricant then just buy some. Be careful of the kind you use, some of them you may be allergic to and some may mess with the toys you use so always research which one is best for your body or your toy. If you're too shy or think it's too expensive to buy lube you can always use your spit but just know it can dry up. So drink lots of water so you'll have plenty of spit to keep you going. Plus your spit or someone else's is always cheaper.

4# Don't be ashamed, it's natural.
Don't be ashamed to masturbate. It's 100% natural and everybody does and if they tell you they don't then they're lying. Do not allow anyone to make you feel unnatural for masturbating because at some point in time they have done it or they will do it. Your body, your rules. Now if you get addicted to masturbating then maybe you might have a problem. Other than that,You may feel better about masturbation if you have someone to talk about it with. Keep an open channel of communication available with your friends and partners about masturbating.  Some of your friends may be just as opening to talk about it as long as you are. Don't let them shame you and don't shame them either.

5# If you don't cum, then that's fine.
Don't make yourself pressured to cum. Of course that's what you're trying to achieve but if you do not then that's fine. Most people think that when they masturbate they absolutely have to cum everytime and that just not how it works. There's literally always next time and if you need a little more help try hauling in your significant other or partner and have them watch if you're into that or use them to guide you through. Wink wink.

Just whatever you do, do not masturbate in public areas. That is highkey illegal as fuck.

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