Chapter 3 reunion

Start from the beginning

"Nice move Wildbreak you broke every prisenor transport rule with that move." Strongarm reprimanded.
"Let's retrieve what we can hopefully none of it was damaged in the ... oh scrap." Bumblebee said.
Heatshot leaped out of the water with his explosive.
"Entry 443 continued experiment site suboptimal materials and new experiment site required." Heatshot said as the Autobots ran towards him.
Heatshot then jumped and transformed into a car with rocket attachments which allowed him to soar through the water.

"Anyone got eyes on our Vehicon?" Bumblebee asked.
"No sorry Bee. Knockout replied."
Guilt soared through Wildbreak again.
"All right let's retrieve what we can." Bumblebee ordered.
The team brought back several energon cubes and a couple of crates.
"Heatshot took something with him." Strongarm said seeing one crate was empty.

"Wildbreak I don't know what's wrong but..." Bumblebee began.
"Hey I'm not the only one who makes mistakes." Wildbreak countered.
"He has a point I broke formation to drive with you." Knockout said.
"Don't take credit for my mistakes." Wildbreak said.
Knockout looked at Wildbreak surprised.

"Fixit can you tell me what Heatshot was using in his last experiment?" Bumblebee asked.
"Apparently it was packaging foam and I'm reading his signal he's at the docks." Fixit replied.
"Makes sense shipping containers are full of packaging foam." Wildbreak said.
Wildbreak transformed and drove off at terrific speed and Knockout drove after him.

"Do all young bots have selective hearing when it comes to authority." Bumblebee said to himself.
"Fixit we'll send Drift back with our recovered items." Bumblebee commed to Fixit.

With Knockout and Wildbreak.
"Wildbreak are you sure your okay?" Knockout asked concerned.
"Yes carrier I'm fine." Wildbreak replied.
Knockout didn't believe this he'd never seen his son act like this before.

A minute later the two arrived outside the dock and ran inside.
After a couple of minutes the two saw Heatshot filling his bomb full of packaging foam.
"I'll handle this." Wildbreak said.
"What should I do?" Knockout asked.
"Why don't you let me handle this." Wildbreak replied drawing his rifle.
Wildbreak ran forward but saw Heatshot gone.
Heatshot was running towards the door but suddenly Wildbreak appeared.

"Okay con drop the bomb, wait bad choice of words." Wildbreak said.
"Interference." Heatshot said rolling the bomb to Wildbreak who grabbed it.
"Smart move, Bee I've got Heatshot and his weapon how do you like me now." Wildbreak said.
Suddenly a blast of electricity from Heatshot's eye sent Wildbreak flying also making him drop the bomb which rolled in front of Knockout.

Knockout put his foot on the bomb and smirked at Heatshot.
"Ahoy there matey." Knockout said.
"Experiment paused, new objective dissection of Autobot." Heatshot said.
Knockout grabbed the bomb and transformed driving away from Heatshot the bomb balanced on his roof.
Heatshot growled and pursued firing bolts of electricity at Knockout.

"Knockout to Bee team Wildbreak is down and I have the weapon." Knockout commed.
"Lure him to door we'll capture him there." Bumblebee ordered.
Knockout drove to the door and Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Strongarm, and Grimlock charged inside.
Grimlock tails-swiped Heatshot into the wall and Bumblebee and Knockout then restrained him.
"Nice teamwork Knockout." Bumblebee praised.
"Nice teamwork Knockout." Wildbreak muttered under his breath as he walked over to the rest of the team.

Suddenly Heatshot broke free and escaped through the door transforming and soaring through the water.
The team ran outside and saw Heatshot streaking away.
"Maybe you should have told the others about the electronic shots sire, now how will we catch him." Wildbreak said.

Suddenly the groundbridge opened and Drift came through on a boat with a plane engine attached.
"The craft has been modified for speed and to carry two bots I and have a message from Denny, try not to dent her." Drift said.
"You want to see teamwork, make a hole Drift." Wildbreak said before jumping into the boat and speeding off making Drift fall out.

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