Chapter 8

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"Oh my god! JiU, are you okay?" Handong rushed to help JiU sit up, tripping to her knees in her stiffness.

JiU attempted to speak, but only a dry croak scraped past her lips and raised a torrent of hacking coughs out. When she finished, Handong smiled at her.

"Don't worry." She reassured. "You'll feel better soon."

JiU doubted Handong's enthusiasm, already feeling the tender bruising rising on her neck, but she just nodded silently and made the motion for a drink.

"Of course. I'll get you one." The girl rushed off, taking Gahyeon with her.

Dami crouched next to her with dark eyes. "What happened?" She asked without any curiosity.

"She woke up and attacked me, talking about a spider?" She raised her eyebrows, wondering if the spirit knew what she was referring to, grateful that she was able to speak without too much coughing.

"A spider? Huh, the woman's really gone mad hasn't she?" She sneered."I don't know if you were here, but--" She started to cough viciously again. "I saw a spider attack Yoohyeon. It came out from one of the people she was taking pictures of."

"A spider? Anyone else see?" She clearly doubted her testimony."I did." Handong returned with a clear glass of water and handed it to JiU before turning to Dami with a raised chin. "I was immobilised by the staircase. The woman attacked me using webs that came from her hands."

"Webs and a spider?" The corner of Dami's lip raised in distaste. "This isn't the thing I thought I'd be experiencing when I took over this body!"

"What did you expect then?" JiU asked.

Dami turned and glared, eyes fresh with murderous intentions and suspicion. "What did I expect? To devour the souls of the innocent and trap them for eternity in this building inside frozen photographs of their former selves. It pleases me to see a photo," She took a framed one off of the wall. "And smash it underfoot, banishing their soul for definite eternity. I didn't expect to be trapped in a building, I wanted to be out in the mortal world but I believe that's the fault of the girl you possessed." With clear restraint on herself, she returned the frame to the wall. "Why? What were you expecting then?"

"I--Well..." JiU took a gulp of the water and spluttered it everywhere, coughing uncontrollably.

"Take it slowly." Handong advised.

"Disgusting." Dami wrinkled her lip and swept away.

JiU raised a hand to wipe the water from her lips and sighed. An undignified way to avoid the question, but it worked.

"Better?" Handong smiled hopefully.

"Better." JiU agreed and set down the glass.

"What will we do about her?" Her brows creased in concern. "I don't like seeing any of us get hurt."

"You seem to be the kindest out of all the spirits possessing the girls." JiU noted casually, hoping that maybe, just maybe, that was the old Handong in there.

"Well, not all of us are like Dami, are we?" She smiled and shrugged. "Being kind is who I am. But I am also someone who hungers for the souls of the innocent. We are all alike in that way, aren't we?"

"I see what you mean." The hope died in JiU again. She came up with another idea as she pulled out the sheet with the exorcism instructions on.

"What's that?" Handong asked curiously.

The diagrams seemed to involve several other people all holding hands while the main person performed the actual exorcism. Perhaps she could influence the others to take part. "It's a plan to get us out of here." She said and waved the document proudly. "I found it."

"A plan? Are you sure we can get out? It really seems that we can't."

"Of course." JiU presented her best winning smile. "By exorcising Yoohyeon of this spider spirit, I reckon...The...release of power..." She bit her tongue thinking of things that would sound plausible. "Will be enough to allow us escape." 

"Brilliant!" She observed JiU's worried face. "So what's with your expression?"

"I need to convince the others to take part as it only works if all of us do it. See?" She showed the diagrams and then quickly folded the paper back up in case Handong recognised Dami's handwriting. "Siyeon and Dami are rather scary people as you understand."

"I completely do." Handong nodded jerkily.

"How's your control on the body? I just wanted to ask."

"Well, the body happened to die, so some of the nerve endings are dead and the muscles spasm sometimes. So I have trouble doing things smoothly a lot, which is why I get Siyeon to do the more delicate stuff for me."

"Ah, I see."

Handong stood and helped JiU to her feet. "I hope you feel better soon. Shall I tell the others of your plan?"

"Go ahead. Get Siyeon to come back so she can help me with Yoohyeon."

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