Chapter 9

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It was night and JiU had already been wandering the numerous corridors for hours, but she was no closer to finding who she wanted - SuA. 

If they were going to unite to free Yoohyeon of the spider's spirit, then getting SuA to join seemed like the best idea. With all seven of them, perhaps it would work better. She may have been making excuses to satisfy herself, but her desire was clear - She wanted SuA.

There was only one other place to check.

"SuA?" JiU asked as she entered the girl's bedroom. Her eyes strayed to the lonely form huddled beside the bed with their head far down and hair obscuring their form.

"It's all my fault that we're like this." The form mumbled.

"S-SuA?" JiU repeated.

" it?" SuA spoke.

"JiU." She said and approached closer. "How are you feeling?"

"...Low." She eventually replied. "Why are you here?"

"I have an idea to get us all out of here. Hey, wait-- You're not possessed, are you?"

"Possessed? You mean, like the others?" SuA raised her head slowly and her tired eyes darted in JiU's direction.

"Exactly what I mean. I can see that you aren't, SuA. And nor am I."

"How?" SuA asked with a pained face. 

She shook her head. "I don't know, but I'm me. Yoohyeon's been possessed by a spider's spirit and we need to get rid of it, so I need your help. I think the spider has something to do with the one I found back at the mansion in France."

"Possessed? Spider?" SuA muttered in confusion. "What's been going on?"

"Lots of things." She replied with a sigh. "Will you help?"

She knelt beside the forlorn SuA and put a hand on her shivering shoulder.

"Yeah..." She sighed and lay her head on her knees. "I'll help. What do I have to do?"

"Are you okay, SuA?" JiU asked before replying to her question.

"No." She took a breath and sniffed. "I haven't been the greatest leader to you all. I let us get into these troubles, like, getting possessed and having our holidays ruined."

"No, no, no. SuA. It wasn't your fault!" JiU protested.

"How can you say that without knowing anything?" JiU retorted, her head flying up, her eyes blazing at the girl. "I was the one that allowed myself to be led out to the woods by Siyeon and have myself possessed. And even then, there were moments where I was awake as myself! Yet even then, I couldn't do anything to stop everything being ruined. It is my fault, JiU!"

Got better places to be.


"Is everyone ready?" JiU asked with worry clear in her voice.

"We're all here, aren't we?" Siyeon replied snarkily. "Get on with it."

"What do you need us to do?" Gahyeon asked more politely.

JiU consulted the diagram. "Do we have the salt?"

"The salt is present." Siyeon chucked her a rectangular container of the salt.

"Chair." Helpfully, SuA pulled a chair from the small room and took it back into the big room.

"Where?" She asked.

"Just in the centre there." JiU pointed at the diamond of black and brown tiles in the equator of the room and SuA moved it there. "Er, all of you, please just stand in an arrow shape behind me. Gahyeon, you be the point. Handong and Dami, please be the ends on either side of where I'll stand." She moved to the square and stood behind the chair.

"And Yoohyeon?" Dami asked impatiently. "It's a little tiring to keep her under for extended periods of time."

"Sat on the chair please." 

Obligingly, Dami assisted the drowsy Yoohyeon to the chair and sat her down. Once she was sat sensibly, JiU placed an hourglass in her complacent hands. She wasn't going to turn it over just yet.

Reading the paper as she did though she had already memorised it over, JiU spilt the salt in a circle around herself and Yoohyeon, making sure to leave a small section incomplete and took a handful of salt before chucking the container off to the side of the room. 

"Right..." She took a deep intake of breath and closed her eyes. It was all down to her now. Dami had helped her as much as she could and now the weight was on her shoulders. She could save them.


Whoops. Sorry for not updating for a bit. College has been busy, caught a cold, etc.

The last chapter is next.

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