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Cold ground. Wind stroking my hair. Can't feel my legs. Water splashing sounds beside me, I am slowly regaining strength to open my eyes.

Do I really want to open them?

I slowly move my fingers and feel the ground. Grass. I elbow myself at the ground and slowly open my eyes, heavily breathing the fresh air that resembled from the normal air. It was more fresh and new. After I open my eyes I stare at my surroundings. A forest. Beautiful tall trees, with green and dark blue leaves. I see a river. Purple shimmery river sparkling at the Sun. I look up to Sun. Yellow-ish colour is chasing blue and pink clouds away. I look down at myself. My leg is coloured in red. The red is I assume from a fresh cut. I hiss at the pain it was bringing me. I see a mouse, it had pink and white spots. When he saw me he ran away in the speed of light. Literally. I took a deep breath to clear up my mind.

Where am I?

I try to get up but fail, my leg hurts more than I thought a cut could hurt.
"Aghh!" I groan and sigh.

Ye Chan's POV

The book really opened, Jinsung was damn right! We all looked at each other in disbelief. I shake my head and look at the human again. She was slowly waking. All boys felt uneasy I could see that.
"Taewoo, just do not empath with her, not untill we know her better." I whisper. He nodded and gulped. I glanced at Jinsung, who was staring open mouthed. I stared back at her. Something's wrong with her leg.
"Aghh!" She groaned trying to get up. Guys looked at me. "I know. It's her leg, a cut probably." I say and they nod.
"Should I get closer?" I ask Yongha. He looks at Seunghwan and Seunghwan hesitantly nods.

I take a deep breath and look at Jinsung "Is anything going to happen if I go to her?" I ask him. "No, the dream ended when she woke up." I nod. I collect all of my guts and slowly and calmly start walking over to her. She was holding her leg and helplessly trying to get up.

"Don't." I say to her and she terrifyingly looks up to me. She crawls away from me. "You will lose your strength, don't try to get up!" I say putting my hand in front reassuring her I'm not an enemy. She opens her mouth "Who are you?" "I am Shin Yechan, healer. Let me help you with that cut." "W-where am I?!" She yells. "In our world, The magic dimension, you should know." She widens her eyes "Is this true? The book?" She looked me lost. "Of course it is, you opened the book and got trapped here." I sigh. I sit next to her and gesture to come here. "Can I see the wound?" I say calmly and she shows me her leg. I touch her cut and she hisses. "Hmm, pretty bad." I smile. "I will put my hands on your leg and it will disappear. Watch!" I laugh and she looks at me confused. Three seconds pass.
"Ta-daaa!" She looks at me in disbelief. "What? The? Actual? Fucc?" She looks at me and I smile proudly. I go near the river and wash my bloody hands. She mutters 'thanks'. I nod.

Y/n's POV

He made my cut disappear. I couldn't believe it.
"There are more of us, you know?" Yechan looks at me. "Yes I've read, angels, Pegasus, ghouls, ghosts, fairies, time travelers..." he chuckles "Not those creatures, we don't belong to that kinds." I sigh. "Than what are you?" I narrow. "We are Them" I widen my eyes. He laughs. I gasp "the crossed word." He looks at me questionable.

"What crossed word?" He asks "well when I opened that book, there were a list of creatures that live here, but one word was crossed and I took a better look at it. What was written was the word 'them'." I explain. He looks at the forest like he was looking at someone and turns around to me. "What does it say about us?" He asks me. "Well, I listed the whole book but couldn't find a single page about you." I say quietly. "But one page was ripped!" I remember.
He sighs and looks at the foresr again. He helps me get up. "Thank you" I say. "It's okay, that's my job." He says while looking at the forest.
"Why are you looking at the forest all the time?" I ask. "There are nine of us. All of us came here to see you, Jinsung dreamt of your arrival. So he warned us, and we came, we hid in that part over there. They are still hiding behind the trees. GUYSS, COME OUT!"

He says and eight other boys come out. They were all really pretty and looked just like a part of the human kind. I bow to all of them. "This is Jinsung, he is an Oneiroman. He dreams future. That's how he knew you will come." The boy bows and smiles a bit. I smile back. "Next to him is Doyum, a shapeshifter." He waves and smiles widely. I chuckle. "That over there is Yongha, telekinesis." He points at the black haired boy and he bows. "Next to him is-" "Seunghwan, I have intelligence magic, nice to meet you!" He bows. "Okayy," Yechan says rolling his eyes "And that is Taewoo, an empath." Yechan says and Taewoo shyly bows. "Over there," he points to the brown haired boy "is Taekhyeon, he has ESP, has the sixth sense." Taekhyeon instantly bows and smiles. "The one next to him is Junseo, kinetic magic." Junseo winks and bows.
"And a bubble on top," he says for the last and youngest boy of them all "Hyung, don't call me that-t!" I let a chuckle. "Okay, sorry. Well this is Sungwon our youngest, he has the bubble magic. Don't underestimate like we did." We all laugh. "He once got us all trapped in a bubble and we couldn't pop it, so Junseo had to manipulate wind and Yongha had to hold the bubble so it doesn't move." Seunghwan said and they all laughed expect Junseo and Yongha they sighed.

"What is your name?" Doyum asks.
"I am Y/n." "Nice to meet you!" They all say. "Thank you, you too." I replay.
"Go with us, to our cabin!" Yongha says.
I nod and followed them.

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