·~Dream come true~·

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The magic dimension- ??? POV

I woke up in the dead of the night due to woken Jinsung. He kept mumbling something while panting hard.

"Yah, Jinsung-ah, what's wrong? Did you see something?" I ask concerned.
He turns his head to me and  fixes  his hair. "I am sorry, I didn't want to wake you up." "It's alright, but what woke you up?" He looks at me in terror like I've said something wrong. He starts mumbling under his breath while shaking his head vigorously. "Jinsung, tell me what did you dream??" I stand up and go to his bed.
I slowly get closer, sit on his bed and tapp his foot "Tell me, I am here." He cautiously looks at me.

"The book has been opened, someone will come, umm, I saw it was a girl."
He holds his head trying to remember more details.

I gasp in fear. He continues "She will come in The forest of lost souls, and wake up near the river of tears." He looks at me
"Doyum, I am scared, what do we do?" I snap out of my thoughts. I look at him and open my mouth to say something but no words are coming out. I finally say determined
"Are you tired, are you okay?" I ask him quickly. He looks at me confused. "Yea, why?" "Because we are going to tell the rest right now!" He sighs "But they are sleeping and I am lazy to go out, and it is main rule not to go out during the night..." He pouts. "She will come in the morning, right" he nods "then we need to notify them quickly as possible!" I stand up and Jinsung gets up too.

I unlock our cabin door and peek my head. I whisper "Clear" to Jinsung who was behind me holding onto my shirt. "What if the warevolfs come?!"  He whisper-yells. "I'll shape into one and scare them away while you hide in the bush!" I turn my head to him and smile. "Let's go!" We start walking slowly, turning aroud in every way ready to throw hands if someone attacks us. After a minute of walking we see that there are no threats so we start running faster.

"Yah! Did you hear this?" Says Jinsung fearfully. "Nope, what?" I ask checking all sides. "Aah, I don't know, I thought I've heard something!" He shakes his head and starts running again. After a while Jinsung stops his track, again. I sigh and pant putting my hands on my knees "Whatt, now Jinsung?!"
"I am telling you something is here?" He says seriously. "Yah, stop, nothing's here, okay?" In that moment something starts glowing in the bush while making tiny noise. We look at each other and look at the bush. I slowly come near the bush and an lighting squirrel comes out. We both scream. "Yaaah, uuf, hhhahaha! It is just a little lighting squirrel!" I sigh and put a hand on my pounding heart.
Jinsung sighs too while having a blank expression like he saw a ghost. Which happens often since ghosts are creatures that live here too but still they're scary. "Let's hurry now, we are close to their houses!" I smile. Jinsung takes a deep breath and rolls his eyes.

We finally come to Yongha's, Taekhyeon's, Junseo's and Sungwon's cabin.
We were about to knock but Taekhyeon already opens the door to us.
"Hi, I sensed you are near!" He smiles. "Hey, let us in we gotta talk fast than go to others and tell them too!" Jinsung says panicky. "Ok, so what's wrong?" He let us in and we wake the rest. "So what's the problem?" Asks Yongha.
Jinsung explains his dream and they stare unbelieving.

"So you say a human girl that has no fucking imagination-" Taekhyeon was cut by Yongha "Language, Sungwon is here!!" He sighs "okayy, so she opened a book and now will get here!?!?" He starts panicking. "Yes!" Jinsung and I say.
He gasps. "Okay, now get dressed quickly and let's run to those three." Yongha said determined. They got dressed and we go to others.

When we got there we knocked a couple of times and Seunghwan opened rubbing his eyes. "What do you all need?" He yawns. "Let us in so we can explain, it's totally, seriously, very, really serious!" Sungwon says and we go inside, wake the others and explain.
Taewoo starts feeling uneasy, because he conected to Jinsung while he was speaking. "I need some air!" He stands up and Yongha opens a window for him, he relaxes a bit and sits again. "You shouldn't connect with Jinsung for some time, Taewoo." Ye Chan says "Yea, it makes you feel bad!" I say nodding. "I know, sorry." He sighs.

"Okay so what do we do?" Junseo asks. "I think we should wait for the sun raising, and hide near The river of tears, when she arrives we will get closer to her!" Seunghwan says.
"I agree." Yongha nods.

We had some rest, talked and ate some snacks before the trip to The forest of lost souls. The sun was slowly appearing with it's orange-ish shade. We go out and start walking.
It was a long trip but we came right in time, we took positions and waited. We observed. Then Taekhyeon sensed:

"That's it! I feel it!"

We all gasped and got ready.
I was gripping on the tree I hid behind with Jinsung shaking, with an uneasy breath, he was observing the spot he dreamt closely.


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